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出国在外住酒店 一网打尽酒店英语口语(3)
日期:2011-08-12 18:54


一、 顾客投诉问题:
1. Here is not hot water. There is no water boiler. 没有热水,没有煮水器。
2. The room is mess. The room is too noisy. 房间一团糟,房间太吵了。
3. The window curtains are full of dust. 窗帘积满了尘。
4. The pillowcase is stained. 枕头套上有污渍。
5. The bathtub is dirty. The water closet is dirty. 浴缸是脏的,抽水马桶是脏的。
6. The water closet is blocked when I flashed it was overflowed. 抽水马桶堵住了,我一冲水水就冒出来了。
7. There is no towels in the bathroom. There is no toiletory items in the bathroom. There is no toilet paper in the bathroom. 卫生间里没有浴巾,卫生间里没有洗浴用品,卫生间里没有厕纸。
8. My necklace's missing. My watch's missing. My wallet's missing. 我的项链不见了。我的手表不见了。我的钱包不见了。
9. Get me your manager. 把你们的经理给我找来。
1. I'm terribly sorry to hear that. 听到这样的事情我真是非常遗憾。
2. I'll tackle it the right way. I'll take it care the right way. 我马上来处理。
3. I'm looking into the matter at once. 我马上去查清这件事情。
4. I'll send the changing maid immediately. 我马上派一个房间服务员。

Sorry, we just supply so much.

  • supplyn. 补给,供给,供应,贮备 vt. 补给,供给,提供,
  • tacklev. 处理,对付,阻截 n. 用具,滑车,对付