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2016年4月GMAT阅读机经之lost city
日期:2016-05-16 18:42


25.lost city– 4.10 JJ


  V1 :第一段:人们在海底发现了一个地热的什么东西with chimney,把它命名为lost city。DK的一个expedition使得这个东西会导致人们对地球生物起源猜想的改变和地外生物是否存在的改变

  第二段:说了很多这个lost city和其他海底vent的区别,比如温度之类的。然后提到了它坐落在一个p开头的石头的base上,这个石头会和海水反应生成一些带很高energy的气体。1952年有研究说这种气体很有可能在地球初期导致生物的起源。后来这个研究被推翻了,因为大家发现当时大气中气体浓度不足


  第四段:讲lost city还有别的特性。说周围有微生物可以通过生物作用产生和地热作用相同的气体(甲烷),blahblah

  第五段:说所以我们可以以此来探测地外生物,有较强evidence of气体的星球有火星和xx星,但我们不知道wether。。。记不得了,好像没看懂,这里有个考点,问应该进一步检验什么来确定火星是曾经有生物还是单纯的化学反应,我选了一个是否有expanses where p石头和 liquid长期接触

  V2:新的那一篇特别长= =特别多的生词= =


  大概的就是讲发现了一个lost city,然后一个人领着队伍去这个地方探索去找寻地球的来源之类的。


  都是讲这个lost city的一些特征



  这一篇我没怎么看明白,然后考的题目还特别多特别细节= =


  [v1] :(非常长,名词特别多,注意定位)

  Q: which is most helpful for the secientist to determine whether there is life evidence in the Mars?

  Q:关于lost city的描述哪个最准确

  选项有某科学家发现了这个lost city(杀,因为他只是去analyze)

  [v2] 首句有细节,注意不是探险队发现的Lost City。lost city有高能量的气体。第一段中间偏后讲某实验spark discharging在此气体里会生成氨基酸,生命必备。中间段落开头为most vent有酸什么的,但是lost city 但是了。倒数第二段讲甲烷产生的生物反应很像化学(有题)。最后一段为lostcity证明外星生命存在的可能(水和Cxxx的存在)(有题),火星上有甲烷,但生命存在证据仍然不足。通篇词汇句子坑,细节多,诸位时间不够就不要硬啃啦~

  [v3] 科学家发现lost city, lost city 与之前发现的海中温泉(火山口)是不同的 ; 细节: lost city是碱性,温度低; 之前发现的火山口 酸性,温度高; lost city 会产生一种物质peridotite, 可以与水反应产生 methane and hydrogen;

  科学家之前发现 methane and hydrogen 可以通过放电产生有机物, 但是之前的研究表明浓度太低; 但是lost city的浓度很高, 而且能产生amino acid, 科学家推测lost city的环境可能类似人类起源的环境;

  说从methane and hydrogen合成有机物的过程在实验室已经可以实现, 按照这样的pathway就可以合成有机物;之后说Mars和Jupiter也有methane and hydrogen, 所以有可能有生物

  题目汇总:1. lost city是什么: 答是hydrothermal vents,并且释放 peridotite;

  2. 有什么能支持作者观点说Mars上也可能有生物: 答是mars上的methane 和水有接触 ( 因为文章说lost city中m 和 h接触放电产生有机物, 之后说Mars上也有m和h两种物质, 但未提到一定接触)

  3. 从文中观点可以推测出: majority of 之前发现的vents是高温的;

  附 WIKI 一篇: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_City_Hydrothermal_Field

  [V4] :Lost City, 昨儿我看到目录上有这个= =没有看 考试的时候花了10秒钟悔恨。这篇比较难懂,我完整读了两遍之后考了n多题所以又回去读了好多篇。全是细节!


  下面哪个关于lost city是正确的


  有道题题我忘了:我选了both XXX and biological pathway


  考古:大意是说,科学家在水下发现了一个lost city,什么什么样的, 然后某某就带一队人开始研究(这里有题,说关于lost city的描述哪个最准确)。发现这个水下的lost city含有一些奇特物质探索methane什么的几种物质,然后又起化学反应啊之类的,这些物质可以追溯到多少年前,跟生命起源时候的物质一样 (这里也有题,说这些物质能说明什么问题)~~然后科学家又说这些物质跟外星球的物质差不多,这可能说明多少多少年前,外星球也存在和地球一样的生命。然后又特别说明一种物质M,举了个对比的例子(这里有题,问你作者举这个M起什么作用?答案里有--a,为了证明上一段观点blabla,B. 为了引出下一段blabla)。最后一段是说通过研究这个lost city和它的各种成分,提出了jupiter啊,mars啊,还有水星啊什么的都可能早就有生命之类的。。。。。。(还有题,说这个文章作者是什么structure~我选的是:propose a scientific report and some evidence 大概这个意思)

  ※ 题目汇总

  1、关于lost city的描述,哪个最准确



  4、有一个highlight题划了句子:就是什么ancient people在那个有神奇的物质的地方生活can choose the stage of biological path云云,问是什么意思,貌似是说明我们的祖先可以在那个环境生活啊之类的那个选项?



  One such revelation occurred in December 2000.An expedition mapping a submerged mountain known as the Atlantis Massif, midway between Bermuda and the Canary Islands and half a mile under the surface of the North Atlantic, came across a pillar of white rock as tall as a 20-storybuilding rising from the seafloor. Using the remotely operated ArgoIIvehicleand the manned submersible Alvin, scientists surveyed and sampled the mysterious formation. Although time constraints limited their investigation to a single Alvin dive, the researchers were able to collect enough information to determine that the white pillar was just one of several such structures in the area that were emitting heated seawater. They had discovered a field of undersea hot springs theynamed the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. It was unlike anything seen before, includingthe now famous black smokers.

  Strange Chemistry

  Scientists have known about undersea hydrothermal vents since the 1970s. The black smoker systems are the most familiar; they occur at mid-ocean ridges—those strings of volcanoes overlying spots where tectonic plates are pulling away from one another. The water at these vents can reach temperatures above 400 degrees Celsius because of their proximity to molten rock. With a pH similar to lemon juice, the scorching water leaches sulfide,iron, copper and zinc as it filters through the volcanic rocks below the seafloor. As this hot,acidic fluid then rises back to the surface of the seafloor, it is discharged through the vent sin to cold sea water, where the dissolved metal sulfides quickly cool and precipitate out of the fluid, producing a cloudy mix that looks like billowing black smoke. These metal sulfide saccumulate into ever taller chimneys atop the vents. Despite their hostile chemistry, the areas surrounding these vents teem with exotic animals, such as giant, red-tippedRiftia tube worms, which lack both mouths and guts but thrive by a symbioticassociation with internal bacteria that consume poisonous hydrogen sulfide gasemanating from the vents.

  Compared with the savage black smoker environment, the Lost City vents are eerily tranquil.安静 Located about 15 kilometers to the west of the tectonic plate boundary at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, this vent field atop the Atlantis Massif is too distant for rising magma to heat the fluids to the blistering temperatures found at black smokers. Instead the water is heated by circulation through the merely warm rock below, and the highest measured temperature is only 90 degrees C. Neither are the Lost City fluids acidic. They are alkaline, with a pH between 9 and 11—similar to milk of magnesia or household ammonia solution. Because these waters cannot readily dissolve high concentrations of metals such as iron and zinc, Lost City does not produce the metal sulfideplumes that characterize black smokers. Rather Lost City vent waters are rich in calcium, which on mixing with seawater produces calcium carbonate (limestone). This limestone forms giant white chimneys, the largest of which towers nearly 60 meters above the seafloor—significantly taller than the loftiest black smoker chimney.

  Hydrogen is full of energy as a consequence of its ability to transfer electrons to other compounds, such as oxygen, releasing energy in the process. Compounds that can readily donate electrons to other compounds are described somewhat confusingly as “chemically reduced.” Scientists have long suspected that reduced gases played animportant role in the origin of life on Earth. In the 1920s Russian bio chemist Alexander Oparin and British evolutionary biologist J.B.S. Haldane each suggested that the primitive atmosphere of Earth might have been very rich in reduced gases such as methane, ammonia and hydrogen. If the atmosphere had high concentrations of these gases, they proposed, the chemical ingredients required for life might haveformed spontaneously.

  Lost City is a natural laboratory for testing these ideas. In 2008 chemist Giora Proskurow¬ski of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and his colleagues published a paper in the journal Science demonstrating that the hydrothermal fluids at Lost City do indeed contain small organic compounds such as methane, ethane and propane. Other work suggests that the reactions at Lost City also produce small organic acids such as formate and acetate. Together these findings confirm that the reduced conditions at the Lost City vents could support the types of chemical reactions necessary to create organic compounds from inorganic compounds—a simple but critical step in prebiotic chemistry.

  The findings from Lost City also bolster hypotheses about where else in our solar system life might exist or have existed in the past. Any planet or moon containing both peridotite and liquid water—the ingredients necessary for serpentinization—could conceivably support life-forms analogous to microbes at Lost City. Evidence of these components is strongest on Mars and on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Indeed, researchers have already detected methane in the modern Martian atmosphere. Whether it comes from microbes or chemical reactions in the planet’s rocks—or both—remains uncertain, however
