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日期:2014-10-28 11:27





18XX年到1930年间美国苹果的销售不同,开始face to face,后来commercial 距离销售

考古 未确认


从1890 到1930年,苹果的交易发生方式发生了变化。美国1890年前的苹果都是在东部种植的,果农和buyer是面对面的,将苹果卖给near customers。后来,到这段时间的末期,苹果种植移到了太平洋沿岸,运到东部就很费时间,而且加州的苹果商越来越多,苹果都是加州生产,果农有了大量的甚么东西(类似于订单之类的,有一题的迷惑选项提到了这个)。苹果商多了之后,他们的产品卖到很远的各州。一联邦通过了法律,主要有几点:苹果质量标准由政府制定,苹果质量可以在发运前由政府人员评估,供需双方的合同,包括合同的修改都受法律制约。






1) 主旨题:(Discuss the impetus to regulation。

2) 1890年和1930年交易方式有甚么不一样了?(果农不能直接把东西卖给buyer了。)

3) 细节题:这个act的产生原因有哪些?

4) 文章所描述的opportunist 会做什么事情?(明明是质量不好的苹果,非说是装运时是好的。)

5) participants 多,往往不能保证buyer 和seller 的reputation,下面哪个情况能说明这一点? (运输公司的责任导致货物损坏。)

6) 70年代,apple industry除了哪个外,都是发生了的变化?

7) 细节题:苹果种植在这个时间段先后的变化,第一段定位,我选的是种植的地区少了。

8) 文中提到另一个法规有什么意义?


Between 1890 and 1930, the U.S.

apple industry underwent aprofound transformation. At the beginning of the period, apples were producedin a scattering of orchards through the Midwest and East, near consumers;commercial apples were sold in face to face transactions. At the end of theperiod, apples were grown commercially in a handful of orchards in the Midwest,the East, and, most importantly, in the Pacific states, and shipped to distantconsumers. Commercial apple transactions became anonymous, taking place betweenbuyers and sellers separated by long distances. By 1930, apple sales relied onfederally legislated marketing institutions. Quality was specified by federalgrading standard, and third party federal inspection services were available toverify quality prior to shipment or after delivery. Standard business practiceswere dictated by the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930, whichclearly specified when buyers or seller could change contract terms, and theprocedures they were required to follow when altering contracts.

An alternative interpretation isthat government involvement in apple marketing was a response tocontract-enforcement problems arising as a result of the emergence of thenational apple industry. Selling a perishable commodity over long distances wasinherently problematic. First, quality declined naturally during thetranscontinental delivery. Second, both farmers and the railroad, through theiractions during packing and shipment, could accelerate this naturaldeterioration. Together, these two complications made it possible for sellersto claim to have shipped high quality fruit and for buyers to claim thatdelivered quality was low regardless of actual quality. Verification of theseclaims was impossible. The inability to detect whether reports of low deliveredquality resulted from a random act of nature, inattention, or fraud left roomfor rent-seeking activity and opportunistic behavior.

Although the desire to avoid thenegative consequences of a bad reputation encourages sellers and buyers tobehave honestly, it may be impossible to develop a reputation when there aremany buyers and sellers in the market. In such cases, when informalinstitutions become difficult to sustain, government or industry institutionsmay emerge. Quality certification and industry-defined minimum-qualitystandards are both effective methods for transmitting quality information fromsellers to buyers. (Contract Evolution and institutional Innovation: MarketingPacific-Grown Apples from 1890 to 1930)

  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • emergevi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • inspectionn. 检查,视察
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • sustainvt. 承受,支持,经受,维持,认可
  • anonymousadj. 匿名的,无名的,没特色的
  • shipmentn. 装船,货物,出货
  • alternativeadj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的 n. 替换
  • commercialadj. 商业的 n. 商业广告