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2015年11月GMAT阅读机经之Bundle Marketing
日期:2016-01-06 18:29


25.Bundle Marketing


  主要讲了bundle marketing,介绍了两种策略,一种是aggregation bundling; 另一种忘了==


  2个Bundle marketing的手段,一个是aggregation bundling,另一个是loyalty bundling。分别讲了2种策略的特点…


  捆绑销售的问题,捆绑销售是把几个产品或相关服务捆绑做一体推广,这种策略适用于什么情况,举了信用卡的例子,第二段讲说虽然捆绑销售很多时候可行,但并不意味着可以取消单品销售,有些人对有些产品或功用情有独钟,如果全部换成捆绑销售,反而可能造成销售下滑 ……



  这个呢,我连文章都给您google 好了


  请看 aggregation bundling 和loyalty bundling

  Aggregation Bundling:

  This concept involves producing a bundle that will appeal to a number of customer segments. Suppose you have four items: A, B, C, and D. One segment strongly prefers the first three, and a second segment strongly prefers the last three. It may be possible to combine all four items into one bundle and price it so that both segments will purchase it, albeit for different reasons. That is, by bundling, you are combining segments of the market with different tastes and preferences into an aggregate segment with a similar valuation for the bundle. The goal is to attract a large market and reduce complexity by having fewer products. The secret is in pricing the bundle so that your comprehensive offering is more attractive than specialized bundles offered by competitors. A corollary of the basic strategy is to produce, in addition, special bundles (or individual items) for smaller market segments at higher prices.

  Credit card firms use this strategy. The typical credit card includes a wide variety of services. It is unlikely that a large segment of subscribers actually are interested in all of these services. Customers who travel frequently may value car rental insurance or access to traveler's checks in foreign countries. Others may value a purchase protection plan. They all buy the same card.

  Loyalty Bundling:

  Here the basic idea is to expand sales by reducing customer incentives to sample and perhaps switch to a competitor's product. CitiCorp has used its CitiOne financial account successfully to this effect. Customers who purchase this account receive a reduced price on a bundle of services. For example, a minimum balance in a money market account gives the customer check writing privileges at no charge. CitiCorp also wins. First, it gains operating efficiencies. It costs about the same amount to open one or several accounts for a customer at the same time. A bundled account opens several accounts simultaneously. Second, Citicorp's research shows that customers who purchase two or more products from the same institution are unusually loyal. Once the accounts are open, the transaction cost to the customer is very low. A person is more apt to move funds from the checking account to the money market fund during a cash transaction than to initiate a new transaction with a competing bank. Thus for no increase in its operating cost, CitiCorp obtains a sales advantage.

  Consumer goods firms also package products in order to build manufacturer loyalty, or at least to encourage switching only among their own offerings. Cereal manufacturers offer different "variety packs" geared to adults and children. Each pack has between six and twelve different brands of cereals. Firms satisfy consumer desire for variety while retaining their customers under the broad umbrella of one manufacturer.


  V1第一篇看过,捆绑营销的,和JJ考古出入不大,题目也差不多,一屏的样子第一段就是讲有一个bundle stratery,内容不重复了,第二段就是讲loyal这种方式,不过我之前看JJ以为这一段都是present这种方式,然后自己看了原文意识到这段后半部分又说回bundle了,最后高亮了三四行,说这种bundle不会影响单独销售的价格(也是JJ里面出现过的题目,大家可以参照大牛们的答案)


  Q2Q3都是关于bundle这个方式的,loyalty方式的基本都用来infer bundle了,木有怎么考


  第一段:这种手段并不是创新的手段,然后介绍了 aggregation bundling 举例子是说credit card有很多功能,有买保险啊等等等等,人们并不是所有功能都用,但是人们人手一张信用卡啊

  第二段是另一种bunding 叫什么我忘记了。。。意思是要减少客户尝试的次数,以免他们买别人的东西了。举例子说商店里卖cereal,经常各种口味的放一起卖。。。但是这段最后又说这种方法要当心不要把价格定得高过了单买的价格,免得大家说你乱定价。这种方法后,人们以后买cereal单买的时候价格就高了,这是可以赚钱的点。。。(大概是这样的,文章问了主旨,挺清楚的,作为最后一篇阅读这么简单就觉得自己挂了)by cornelia1220



  bundle saling strategy--- introduce two types



  说的是bundling 能够促进产品的销售(降低推广难度,减少推广时间),然后举了几个bundling strategies来说怎么促进销售的,有三个,一个是aggrevigate bundling marketing strategies,也就是把多样化的产品功能集中在一个产品上,以满足广泛多样的客户群需求,并降低数次开发新产品的成本。每个客户不需要该产品所有的功能,根据自己需求使用相关功能。举例信用卡,可透支消费,可住房按揭。


  讲的是另一个strategies (快忘记了)。好像是说多元品牌策略,旗下每个品牌的多功能产品针对不同的客户群(参考Nike旗下的Converse,Toyota旗下的Lexus等)。提出企业需规避的问题(此处有细节定位题),开发的产品多样化功能对大多数客户没有用。客户会因此觉得购买该产品价格远高于其可取的使用价值。最后说企业还是要注意保持其小的独特需求客户群。



  Healthy customers will buy separate cereal。 (肯定)


  2-3 最后一句(大意:无论哪种策略,都不会影响企业单独销售的产品的销量)出题



  • samplen. 样品,样本 vt. 采样,取样 adj. 样
  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • expandv. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀, vi. (谈
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • initiaten. 创始人 adj. 新加入的 vt. 开始,创始,启
  • transactionn. 交易,处理,办理,事务 (复)transactio
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • unlikelyadj. 不太可能的
  • simultaneouslyadv. 同时地(联立地)