日期:2015-06-30 11:51



What Would You Want Most on a Desert Island?

This month's survey shows people worldwide have a natural understanding of what they would need most if left alone on a desert island: Another person. And one they know well. Respondents (调查对象) in all 16 countries surveyed said their spouse (配偶) or partner would be their first choice to have with them. Perhaps this makes sense: An MP3 player can't help you find drinking water, your dog can't help you start a fire and who knows if George Clooney or Penelope Cruz has taken courses in wilderness survival training? Let's just hope the SOS sign you two build gets spotted sooner rather than later!

"My husband, of course! George Clooney wouldn't think I'm as pretty as my husband does!"

Roseane, 42, Brazil

"My MP3 player. I would not want my loved ones, including my pet, to be left alone like this."

Co-Co, 28, China

"My partner should be there to listen to me complain about the fact that we are left alone on an island — probably due to some error he made."

Julia, 25, Jordan

Spouse / Partner: 82% of the South African women surveyed would most want their husband / partner with them, while just 45% of the Indian women surveyed agreed.

Clooney / Cruz: 27% of Russian men surveyed would want a celebrity along. Only 2% of the Mexican men agreed. Less than 18% of women worldwide chose this option.

MP3 Player: This was second choice overall, particularly among Malaysian men, with 32% saying they'd most want an MP3 player with their favorite songs. Just 5% each of Australian and American men agreed.

Dog: In France, 28% of respondents older than 45 would most want to be left alone with their dog, while not a single Russian or Malaysian in that age group surveyed would most want Fido along.


56. According to the survey, people left alone on a desert island would most want their__________.

A. MP3 player

B. dog

C. spouse/ partner

D. celebrity

57. Which of the following is true about George Clooney?

A. He has been trained in wilderness survival.

B. He may not be able to help you survive.

C. He does not think Roseane is beautiful.

D. He is the choice of most South African women.

58. The survey results are analyzed in terms of the respondents' __________.

A. sex, age and nationality

B. race, nationality and sex

C. marriage, age and race

D. age, sex and marriage


















56. C 考查细节理解。根据”Respondents(调查对象)in all 16 countries surveyed said their spouse(配偶) or partner would be their first choice to have with them.”可知,16个国家的被调查者的第一选择都是希望他们的配偶或伴侣在他们身边,故C项正确。

57. B 考查推理判断。根据”...and who knows if George Clooney or Penelope Cruz has taken courses in wilderness survival training?可推知,此处表示”谁知道乔治,克鲁尼(美国著名男演员)和佩内洛普克鲁兹(西班芝牙著名女演员)是否参加过野外生存训练呢”,即如果你独自一人被留在沙漠里或一座小岛上,他们或许不能帮助你逃生,故B项正确。

58. A 考查推理判断。根据四个大标题"Spouse/Partner" "Clooney/Cruz" "MP3 Player"和"Dog"下面的段落中的关键词"the South African women" " the Indian women" " Russian men" "the Mexican men" "older than 45"等可以看出,是从调查对象的性别( sex)、年龄(age)、国籍( nationality)这三个方面来分析调查结果的,故A项正确。
