高中课本听力北师大版模块7:Unit 22 lesson 2-4
日期:2012-04-24 14:36


Why? Because the alligators live in holes that damage the farmland. That's the reason why they are killed. What can be done? Well, our government is developing a conservation plan to protect them and I'd like to be part of it. Sounds terrific. I'd like to save the beautiful Tibetan antelope forty or fifty years ago, there were up to a million living in Tibet. And now? Well, their numbers have been declining repidly There may be 75,000 but there could be as few as 65,000. Why? One reason is their meat, but a lot of it is to do with their wool. It's made into scarves and is very fashionable in Europe and the US. They are being hunted because of it. It's illegal to kill a Tibetan antelope, isn't it? Yes-the government is trying to enforce the law so that they are protected but the demand for wool means hunters continue to kill.Because of that, the numbers are falling disastrously. Well, if we help protect these animals and spread the news about conservation, we will be doing our bit and hopefully our grandchildren will still be able to see these beautiful creatures in the wild.

  • illegaladj. 不合法的,非法的 n. 非法移民
  • wooln. 羊毛,毛线,毛织品
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • decliningadj. 下降的,衰落的 动词decline的现在分词
  • fashionableadj. 流行的,时髦的
  • conservationn. 保存,防止流失,守恒,保护自然资源
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • enforcevt. 实施,执行,强制,强迫,加强