高中课本听力北师大版模块6:Unit 17 Laughter Lesson 3(下)
日期:2011-09-01 14:46


That unfortuanate gentleman went quickly towards the centre of the ice, where he hit Bob Sawyer and with a loud crash they both fell heavily down. After this incident, some of the people started to slide on the ice without skates, and Wandle persuaded Mr Pickwick to try it. Mr Pickwick took two or three short runs and then stopped. At last, he took another run and went slowly down the slide, to the shouts of all the spectators who soon joined in. The sport was at its height, when a crack was heard. A large piece of ice disappeared and Mr Pickewick' hat was floating on the surface. The males turned pale and the ladies fainted. At that very moment a face, head and shoulders emerged from beneath the water, and after a lot of splashing and struggling. Mr Pickwick was finally rescued and stood on dry land.
  • incidentn. 事件,事变,插曲 adj. 难免的,附带的
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • slidevi. 滑,滑动,滑入,悄悄地溜走 vt. 使滑动 n.
  • crackv. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑 n.