高中英语人教版第一册听力 Unit 4(附字幕)
日期:2012-02-07 16:52


英语听力 Unit 4 Unforgettble experiences


Hank Stram lives in San Francisco with his wife and daughter.

On October 17th,1989 a strong earthquake took place and killed over 100 people.

Hank was caught in the earthquake.

1 Listen to part 1.

Then answer these questions in pairs.

Part 1 I will never forget the day when the earthquake took place.

The time was 5:15 in the afternoon.

In our driving along the road to fetch my daughter from school.

A plan had been to go swimming together.

I had finished work at about 4:00,and then gone to the post office.

I was driving along a high road on my way to the school.

Over my road was another road for cars going the other way.

Suddenly,I saw the car in front of me started to move from side to said.

I slowed down,then my car started to shake.

I didn't know what was happening.

Perhaps something had gone wrong with my car.

I drove even slower,then the road above started to fall down.

I stopped the car

and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me.

2 Listen to part 2. Fill in the blanks and write the words in the spaces.

Part 2 I fell myself in the dark,I couldn't move.

The bottom part of my legs in my feet were hurting badly and I couldn't move them.

All aroud me was quiet but below me I could hear shouts in a lot of noise.

Then I remembered what had happened.

It's was clear to me now that I had been in a earthquake.

For about 2 hours nobody came.Then I heard people climbing towards me.

A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken road.

I called out: "I'm here". I heard the shout.

Soon a stranger climbing the side the bridge near my car.

It took more than 12 hours to get me out of my car and bring me to a hospital.英语口语


You have promised to play tennis with your friend every week,

A:I'm not very good at tennis,you know.

B:Don't worry!We're playing for fun.

Just try and you'll see you can do it.

A:I haven't played tennis for a very long time.

B:Well done!That was a very good ball!You see you can do it!

A:I hope so.I enjoyed playing tennis with you.See you next week.阅读理解


Flora heard somebody shouting.She looked around and saw Jeff running.

Before she could move,She heard a loud noise which grew to a terrible roar.

She looked at Jeff,who was waving his arms.

She looked around,behind her.

There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.

She was so surprised that she couldn't move She wanted to watch it.

However,before she could think twice,the water was upon her.

"Run!"Jeff shouted,seizing her arm.

The next moment the first wave swept her down,swallowing the garden.

Jeff dragged her towards the house.

Everything went so fast, she couldn't think.

Before they reached the house, a new great wave came,

sweeping down trees, and sweeping them down too.

They both went down under water.

Then Jeff pulled her up.

He was standing,holding onto a tree that grew against the wall.

Flora's head was above the water but she couldn't stand up.

She struggled and struggled,but could not get on her feet.

Only his hand was holding her hand.

She fought for her life, and finally pulled herself up.

Now,the water,which was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river,

was above her knees.

Jeff and Flora looked into each other's face with a look of fright.

"Get to the steps!" Jeff shouted.

It was only just around the corner:four big steps!

She looked at him,but she could not move

When the water seemed to go down a little,they ran.

As they got to the steps,

and the wall of the house shook.

The water flowed around their legs again,but Jeff had opened the hall door.

Flora quickly began climbing the stairs.

Boom!Another wave struck the house,and a strange cracking noise began.

The water moved up like a sea.Flora ran up the stairs.

There she stopped,listening to the strange sounds,while the whole house moved.

Flora,whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet,started crying.

"The house is falling down!"shouted Jeff.

"Where is the chimney?Which room?The chimney will stand."

Jeff looked out of the window.

Below,the water swept pass the house like a wild river.

Tree after tree went down,which must have been three metres deep.

The garden that was once so beautiful was completely destroyed,

swept away by the wild water.

A terrible noise went through the house.

A part of the house ad gone down and the loor moved up and down under their feet.

For some moments both ere silent.

"This will stand.This ere will stand.See!

That chimney! ike a tower.

Yes!All right!All right!"综合技能

INTEGRATING SKILLS Reading and writing

During the first week of May I went on a holiday to Sichuan.

First,I found some photos of interesting places

which were not too far away from Chengdu.

I decided to go and see the big Buddha in Leshan and Mount Emei.

Next,I called a travel agent whose telephone number I found in a newspaper.

He told me that I could go on a two-day trip to Leshan and Emei,

which wasn't too expensive.

My friends,Xiao Rong and Wei Bin,said they would come with me.

We took a few bottles of water,some apples and oranges,which we put into my bag.

The next day we got up at five o'clock.

First,we went to Leshan,

where we climbed all the way up the mountain to see the Buddha.

The Buddha is really very big:taller than the highest building in our village.

Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.

Wei Bin took photos of us standing in front of the Buddha.

The next morning,we climbed Mount Emei.

There are many old temples and the forest on the mountain is very beautiful.

The wild monkeys are the most exciting things on Mount Emei.

They are not at all afraid of people.

In a second they will come to you and touch you.

The monkeys really liked to touch my hair.

Xiao Rong took a photo of a monkey that was sitting on my head.

The monkeys look sweet but they can be very naughty.

A small monkey suddenly put its hand in Xiao Rong's pocket.

Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.

Finally,towards evening we were on the way back to Chengdu.

We were all very tired and slept on the bus,

but our trip to Sichuan was really unforgettable.

  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • earthquaken. 地震
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • boomn. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅 vi. 急速增长,发出低
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • chimneyn. 烟囱
  • binn. 箱柜,[计] DOS文件名, 二进制目标文件 vt