高中课本听力北师大版模块6:Unit 16 Stories Lesson 3(1)
日期:2011-08-31 14:50


Text 1
I remember in all my life, is the one on which my teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to me. It was three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that day, I knew that something was happening. I went outside and waited on the steps of the house. I could feel the sun on my face and I could touch the leaves of the plants. Then I felt someone walking towards me. I thought it was my mother and she picked me up and held me close. This was my teacher who had come to teach all things to me and, above all, to love me. The next morning the teacher took me into her room and gave me a doll. When I was playing with it, Miss sullivan slowly spelled the word "D-0-L-L"into my hand. I was interested and I imitated the movements with my fingers. I learnt a lot of words like this, but only after my teacher had been with me for several weeks did I understand that everything has a name.