高中课本听力北师大版模块1:Unit 3 Lesson 4(上)
日期:2011-08-10 15:53


For me,Christmas always began in the middle of the cold,windy month of November. My sister,Alison,and I sat down in front of the fire, and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted. We seriously wrote"Father Christmas, the North Pole"on the envelope, before giving them to our mother to post. With December our excitement grew each day-as we opened the new year calendar, Christmas cards arrived in the post, Christmas lights appeared in the streets, and we attended the town carol service. And of course,there was snow everywhere. Enough snow to make snowmen, and to have excitings snowball fights in the school playground. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house, put up the christmas tree and the decorations and blow up the balloons. Then,in the afternoon, when Auntie Kathleen and my two cousins arrived everything was ready.Before we went to bed, we left some wine and biscuits for Father Christmas, and then put our stockings at the end of our beds.

  • polen. 杆,柱,极点 v. (用杆)支撑
  • decoratevt. 装饰,装修,授予某人奖章或其他奖状
  • envelopen. 信封,封皮,壳层
  • calendarn. 日历,月历,日程表 vt. 把 ... 列入日程表