高中课本听力北师大版模块3:Unit 8 Lesson 4(上)
日期:2011-08-16 15:25


Lesson 4 Journey to the AntarcticThe RACE to the POLE
On 1 June, 1910, Captain Scott left London to begin his journey to the Antarctic. On his way, he received a message from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen: "I'm going South." So the race to the South Pole was on! During the polar summer of 1910-1911, both teams organized food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year. Then came the total darknessof the polar winter. Scott and Amundsen waited anxiously for spring. Amundsen was the first to leave, on 15 October, 1911. He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis. Because of this, he made rapid progress. Scott left on 1 November and soon had problems. First, his two sledges broke down, and then the horses begs to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. After a while, Scott and his men had to push the sledges themselves.
  • organizedv. 组织
  • polen. 杆,柱,极点 v. (用杆)支撑
  • antarcticadj. 南极的 n. (the A-)南极洲,南极圈