每日一诗(3.29):A Poem for Each & Every Day
日期:2009-03-29 08:20
A Poem for Each & Every Day
May you have...你可拥有^^
Enough happiness to keep you sweet,足够的幸福保持甜蜜
Enough trials to keep you strong,足够的考验保持坚强
Enough sorrow to keep you human,足够的悲伤保持人性
Enough hope to keep you happy,足够的希望保持快乐
Enough failure to keep you humble,足够的失败保持谦逊
Enough success to keep you eager,足够的成功保持渴望
Enough friends to give you comfort,足够的朋友给你安慰
Enough wealth to meet your needs,足够的财富满足需求
Enough enthusiasm to look forward,足够的热情展望
Enough faith to banish depression,足够的信仰驱除消沉
Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday!
- Anonymous
