每日习语(3.18):green light
日期:2009-03-18 11:05
在全世界各地,绿颜色的交通灯就是可以通行的意思。可是,除了交通灯以外,人们也经常在日常生活中用「开绿灯」这个说法来表示某个计划获得批准,可以进行。在中文里,我们也经常这么说的。我们今天要介绍的一个俗语就是 green light。Green light就是绿灯。在美国,一个在某公司工作的管理人员可能会对他的秘书说:
"My boss liked my idea to open a branch office in Los Angeles and gave me the green light to go ahead."
"The astronauts were in the space shuttle ready to go, but somebody saw one of their computers had a problem. It's fixed now, but Houston Control is checking it again before they give the green light to launch."
by the thousand (=by the thousands, by thousands)
数以千计, 大批大批地, 论千, 按千(出售等)