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日期:2009-02-18 10:44



Nakagawa Disgrace Is Boost For Opposition

Shoichi Nakagawa, Japan's finance minister, yesterday resigned amid harsh criticism of his erratic performance at a weekend meeting of the Group of Seven, delivering a heavy blow to his already beleaguered government.

His departure will deprive Taro Aso, prime minister, of a heavyweight political ally and key cabinet member just as he struggles to respond to a recession of historic proportions and win back the confidence of voters.

Mr Aso initially backed his finance minister, who has denied being drunk at a press conference at the G7 gathering in Rome during which he slurred his words and struggled to stay awake and focused.

Mr Nakagawa, who has blamed his poor showing on taking too much cold medicine, initially tried to delay the effective date of his resignation until the Diet passes stimulus legislation and the state budget, but under growing political pressure was forced to step down immediately.

“I apologise for causing so much trouble to the public, prime minister and Diet by not managing my health properly,” Mr Nakagawa said.

Mr Aso yesterday won a chance to escape Tokyo's political turmoil and act as international statesman when Hilary Clinton, visiting US secretary of state, delivered an invitation for him to next week become the first foreign leader to meet US president Barack Obama in the White House. This was an honour that George W. Bush, the previous president, accorded Canada in 2001.

Ms Clinton, at the beginning of her first overseas trip since becoming secretary of state, went out of her way to reassure Japanese policymakers that the cross-Pacific partnership would remain a cornerstone of foreign policy under Mr Obama.

Mr Aso said he would appoint Kaoru Yosano, minister for economic and fiscal policy, to replace Mr Nakagawa as finance minister in addition to his current portfolio.


昨日,在对其于七国集团(G7)周末会议上异常表现的严厉批评声中,日本财政大臣中川昭一(Shoichi Nakagawa)宣布辞职,沉重打击了已然是四面楚歌的日本政府。

在日本首相麻生太郎(Taro Aso)努力应对历史性衰退和赢回选民信心之际,中川昭一的辞职将令他失去一位重量级的政治盟友和关键的内阁成员。




麻生太郎昨日获得了逃离东京政治乱局去扮演国际领袖角色的机会。昨日,来访的美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hilary Clinton)邀请他下周前往白宫,成为首位会见总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的外国领导人。这是前任总统乔治•布什(George W. Bush)在2001赋予加拿大的荣誉。


麻生太郎表示,他将任命日本经济财政大臣与谢野馨(Kaoru Yosano)接替中川昭一的财政大臣职务,同时继续履行其现有职务。

  • conferencen. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会
  • delayv. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期
  • deprivevt. 剥夺,拒绝,免职
  • resignationn. 辞职,辞呈,顺从
  • cabinetn. 橱柜,内阁 adj. 私人的
  • portfolion. 文件夹,作品集,证券投资组合
  • resignedadj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去
  • legislationn. 立法,法律
  • fiscaladj. 财政的,国库的
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压