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日期:2008-06-13 10:38


Prince Charles pays off royal debt ... 350 years late

Heir to the throne Prince Charles on Tuesday paid off a family debt incurred more than 350 years ago -- but was spared the accumulated interest that could have run into tens of thousands of pounds.

Charles handed over 453 pounds and 15 pence (572 euros and 20 euro cents, 885 dollars and four cents) which King Charles II failed to pay to the Clothiers Company in Worcester, central England, in 1651.

The king had commissioned uniforms for his troops to fight the republican forces of Oliver Cromwell at the Battle of Worcester the same year.

The modern-day Charles handed over the cash on a visit to the former headquarters of the royalist troops in the Faithful City, so-called because it remained loyal to his ancestor during the English Civil War.

"It seems that members of the Clothiers Company have a long memory," he said. "By long I mean nearly 400 years. Nevertheless, as a gesture of good will I come today prepared to honour this debt of 453 pounds and three shillings.

"I suspect that it will not have escaped your notice, however, I am resisting the immense temptation to pay the debt with full interest.I was not born yesterday."

The high commissioner of the Clothiers Company, Philip Sawyer, accepted the money and gave the future king a receipt.

If interest was taken into account, 453 pounds and three shillings in 1651 would have been worth approximately 47,500 pounds in 2007.


查尔斯王储于当天偿还了这笔共计453英镑15便士(相当于572. 20欧元或885.04美元)的债务,这笔旧债是英国国王查尔斯二世于1651年在英格兰中部城市伍斯特的一家制衣公司欠下的。







  • receiptn. 收据,收条,收到 v. 出收据
  • approximatelyadv. 近似地,大约
  • temptationn. 诱惑,引诱
  • ancestorn. 祖宗,祖先,原种
  • immenseadj. 巨大的,广大的,非常好的
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • faithfuladj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的
  • gesturen. 手势,姿态 v. 作手势表达
  • thronen. 王座,君主
  • neverthelessadv. 仍然,不过 conj. 然而,不过