新鲜的鱼营养很丰富,味道又鲜美。可惜的是,鱼很容易变质,时间放长了,它就会发臭。今天我们要讲的第一个俗语就和鱼有关,这就是to smell fishy。
Fish就是鱼,fish后面加一个y,就成了fishy,也就是fish的形容词。To smell fishy的意思是在某一件事情上你感到不太对头,似乎有人在进行欺骗,这时候你就可以说: "It smells fishy."
"Somebody offered to sell me some beach property in Florida at a good cheap price. But the deal smelled fishy so I went down to take a look. Sure enough, every time the tide came in, the land was under three feet of water."
"It appeared to be a real bargain, but I smelled something fishy because the man was in such a hurry to sell it. I was right--later on I found out the car was stolen."