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每日习语(3.23):A white lie
日期:2009-03-23 10:00


今天给大家介绍和 white 这个字有关系的习语,这就是 A white lie。Lie 就是谎话的意思。那末,难道骗人还分黑白吗?是的。A white lie 的意思就是那种为了避免使对方感到难受而说的谎话。比如说,一个女孩子新交的男朋友很难看,但是为了不要使她感到难受,你说了个谎,说你认为他很英俊。回到家,你就对丈夫说:

例句: "I told a white lie when I told Jennie her boyfriend was goodlooking. The truth is he's just about the ugliest man I've ever seen."



例句: "My mother and dad taught me never to tell a lie. So I feel guilty every time I tell even a little white lie, although I do it just to make somebody feel better."


black sheep 一个给他周围的人带来耻辱的人
例句: "Uncle Joe is the black sheep in the family. Instead of getting a job, all he does is drink too much, gamble away any money he gets and chase after women."

  • chasen. 追求,狩猎,争取 vt. 追捕,狩猎 vt. 雕刻
  • gamblev. 赌博,投机,孤注一掷 n. 赌博,冒险
  • guiltyadj. 有罪的,内疚的