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每日笑话(5.5):Please Come Earlier Tomorrow
日期:2008-05-05 09:22


Please Come Earlier Tomorrow

(Originally In English)

There was a person who had so much debt. He owed

practically everyone in the village something.

Every day some people came and wanted him to repay

the debt, but he always said, "Cannot! Please come

again." One day when he came back home, many of

his creditors were sitting all over the place -- on the

steps, outside the staircase, inside the house and all

that. So he came to one person who sat outside in

the sun, the most distance from the house and said,

very, very whispering-like in his ear, "Please come

back tomorrow, early, around seven in the morning."

That person was very happy -- oh! ho! -- and went

back home. Afterwards, all the other creditors got

nothing from him and they also left for home.

The next day that person came very early, about

seven o'clock in the morning. He just sat there and

waited, sat in the living room now, with the ones

who had debts having given him water and things

like that. He sat for a long time, and nothing happened.

So he said to the one who owed money, "Didn't you

tell me yesterday to come early? I thought you wanted

to repay me or something, but did not want to let other

people know. Is that not so? How come you haven't

talked about it yet?"

So the one who owed money said, "Oh, yesterday

I saw you were sitting in the sun and very far away,

so I told you to come early so you would have a

better seat. That's all. Well, if you have to wait

all day, you might as well sit in the cool shade, ah?"
















  • shaden. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡 vt. 遮蔽,
  • staircasen. 楼梯