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每日习语(4.18):under your nose
日期:2008-04-18 11:07


今天给大家介绍的是 under your nose。举个例子来说吧:有一个人突然发现自己的眼镜找不着了,他到处找,楼上、楼下,找遍了家里每个角落还是找不到。最后,他的太太给他找到了。那眼镜就在他坐着看书的椅子旁边。他太太就会说:

"See, they were right under your nose the entire time."

Under your nose的意思也就是一样东西离你很近,但是,你就是没有看到

我们再举个例子来说明under your nose的用法:

"Did you read in the paper how bold that robber was at the art museum? He cut three paintings from their frames and walked out with them right under the guards' noses."
