2013年河北中考试卷英语 试题
日期:2014-01-10 16:06



Ⅰ听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5 分)
1. A. luck B. work C. laugh
2. A. 7:45 B. 7:15 C. 6:45
3. A. putting up B. looking up C. picking up
4. A. Sam helped with the cooking.
B. Sam did the cooking with some help.
C. Sam finished the cooking by himself.
5. A. Jenny ta kes the old man’s seat.
B. The old man doesn’t want Jenny’s seat.
C. Jenny should let the old man take her seat.
6. A. Good idea! B. Well done! C. You’re welcome.
7. A. Never mind. B. All right C. Thank you!
8. A. Come on! B. OK, I will. C. No, I don’t care.
9. A. I have no map. B. You can’t miss it C. It’s over there.
10.A. Help yourself B. It’s so delicious. C. Some chicken, please.

13. A. $50. B. $ 35. C. $30.
14. A. It’s Sunday. B. It’s Mother’s Day. C. It’s her mum’s birthday.
15.A. Flowers. B. Chocolate. C. A book.
16. A. Tom. B. Mike. C. Helen.
17. A. To go to school. B. To call her back. C.To take a message.
18. A. 754-3950. B. 754-3905 C. 574-3950
19. What is Sky talking about?
A. Times of going out. B. Ways of being safe. C. Students of a college.
20. What does Sky do when coming back late at night?
A. Take a bus. B. Have the keys ready. C. Tell the teacher.
21. Where does Sky like to stand near other people?
A. At the store. B. At the bank. C. At the station.
22. What should you do if you don’t understand something?
A. Keep listening. B. Stop speaking. C. Begin thinking.
23. How can you get the key words?
A. Ask for help. B. Find out the louder words.C. Know about the spelling.
24. Why do you have to ask yourself questions?
A. To make a sentence.
B. To write down something new.
C. To have a better understanding.
25. When should you look up the new words in a dictionary?
A. Before listening. B. While listening. C. After listening.
26. Do you know ______ girl in green? She is our monitor.
A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
27. It is a good habit of ______ to read a few lines before going to bed.
A. I B. me C. my D. mine
28. _______ age 7, Bruce won second prize in the piano competition.
A. In B. At C. On D. For
29. Jason likes the _______ of the cake. It is a heart.
A. color B. size C. smell D. shape
30. You don’t have a drink. Can I get you _______?
A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything


  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛