日期:2014-02-08 17:29



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16—2各小题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It's very common to meet different people in public places.
When I was 12 years old,I got a small job in a 16 ,On my first day at work,I didn't come home for lunch. When I came home at night, Mum asked, “How did you 17 your lunch, dear?”I answered,“I made some new friends in the supermarket, twin brothers, their
mom and dad. They were my customers. They invited me 18 lunch."
Mum was happy that I had made new friends but she wanted toknow what kinds of 19 they might be.
Several days later,I asked my friends to come to the supermarket where l worked
20 let Mum meet them. Mum was very 21 to find out that the twin brothers were joined at the chest(胸部).She felt very strange because I didn't tell her about that before.
When Mum asked me about this,I said,“I know that too. But do you know that their mom has to make all clothes because it's 22 difficult to find anything to fit them? They're also good 23 .That day, Joe, the one on the right, made me noodles for lunch."
When Mum saw the twins, she must have thought how strange they 24 .But to me,what I cared about was that they had difficulty——25 clothes and they were good cooks.
16.A.supermarket B.post office C.factory D.bank
17.A.find B.make C.manage D.eat
18.A.at B.for C.after D.before
19.A.men B.women C.boys D.people
20.A.and B.but C.or D.so
21.A.surprised B.excited C.interested D.disappointed
22.A.so B.very C.too D.really
23.A.friends B.singers C.workers D.cooks
24.A.smelled B,looked C.felt D.sounded
25.A.selling B.making C.wearing D.buying
A 7-magnitude(震级)earthquake hit Ya'an,Sichuan at 8:02 on April 20, 2013, and it killed at least 196 people and injured more than 11,000.
Together with other students, Yang Xuelan ran out to the playground. She was safe. But all her textbooks and exercise books were buried(埋)in the teaching building.
What can we do when an earthquake happens? In fact, there's little we can do to stop natural disasters (自然灾害) such as earthquakes happening. But, some methods can reduce the harm they cause.

◆ Drop down onto your hands and knees. This way can protect you from falling.
◆ Cover your head under a strong table or desk. You can also stay along a wall,and cover your head with your arms and hands.
◆ Hold on to(守住,抓牢) your shelter(遮蔽物) until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if the shaking continues.
Schools can normally take the earthquake drills(演练) to help student stay alive.
26. How many people lost their lives in the earthquake in Ya'an?
A. At least 196. B. More than 11,000.
C. Less than 196. D. About 11,196.
27. When the earthquake happened in Ya'an, Yang Xuelan was .
A. at home B. at school
C. on her way to school D. playing on the playground
28. What does the underlined word "reduce" mean in Chinese?
A.提高 B.阻止 C.增加 D.减少

  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • earthquaken. 地震
  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿