日期:2015-04-08 17:21


《洪恩巴迪节拍英语:数字精灵篇》国内外许多学者的研究表明,英语儿歌上口易记,是儿童掌握标准英语发音的最好载体。《洪恩巴迪节拍英语》针对2-12岁儿童的学习规律,精选了国外60首节奏鲜明、琅琅上口的经典儿歌,做为律动式英语学习的基本切入点。通过精彩动画, 背景知识和语言讲解,帮助您的孩子在美丽的画面感和强烈的节奏感下掌握这些经典儿歌,在学唱和学说的过程中,掌握地道的英语发音,并且产生对英语学习强烈的真实兴趣。


1.One potato 一号土豆
One potato, two potato
Three potato, four
Five potato, six potato
Seven potato, more

2.One Little Flower 一朵小花
One little flower
One little bee
One little blue bird
High in the tree
One little brown deer
Smiling at me
One is the number I like
You see!

3.Let's do it 让我们行动起来吧
One, two, tell me!
Three, four, you say!
Five, six, that’s ok!
Seven, eight, let’s do it today!

4.Ten Little Fingers 十个手指
Ten little fingers and ten little toes
Two little arms and one little nose
One little mouth and two little ears
Two little eyes for smiles and tears

5.One For Sorrow 一代表悲伤
One for sorrow Two for joy
Three for a girl Four for a boy
Five for silver Six for gold
Seven for a secret Not to be told

6.One Two Three Play With Me 一、二、三,给我玩
One,two,three,play with me
Four,five,six,pick up sticks
Seven,eight,nine,walk on a line
Ten,eleven,twelve,help yourself

7.One Two Pick Up The Stool 一、二,搬起小凳子
One, two
Pick up the stool
One, two, three
Stand around the tree
One, two, three, four
Stand up and go to the door
One, two, three, four, five
Put down the book
And bring back the knife

8.Cinderalla 灰姑娘
Cinderella dressed in yellow
Went downstairs to kiss her fellow
How many kisses did she give?
One, two, three, four, five…

9.One Two How Do You Do? 一、二,你好吗?
One, two, How do you do?
Three, four Open the door
Five, six Pick up sticks
Seven, eight Sit up straight
Nine, ten Say it again

10.One Two Three Fou Five 一、二、三、四、五
I caught a fish alive
I let him go again
Why did I let him go
Because he bit my finger so
