英语六级易考范文第8篇:On a Second Suburban Campus of a University
日期:2015-11-05 10:45


Topic 8 On a Second Suburban Campus of a University
The second campus of universities springs up like mushroom in suburban areas in recent years.
It is really hard to say when the first second campus came out, or which university was the origin,
but this pattern is quickly replicated, and now it’s challenging to find a university with only one campus.
The causes for this fashion may be obvious.
Firstly, the new enrollment policy encourages universities to admit freshmen on a much larger scale than the past.
Accordingly, the original facilities, including classrooms, apartments, dining halls, laboratories, libraries and the like, all become insufficient.
Secondly, the land in urban area is costly, and universities can hardly afford it.
A second campus in the suburb can not only accommodate the swelling student body, but is realistically affordable and economical
due to the relatively lower price of land and other essentials.
As a student of a university with a second campus, though enjoying more space,
I have also experienced inconvenience between the two campuses,
because of the divided education resources, the less direct communication with other students and teachers,
and the time- and money-consuming come-and-go.
Therefore, we should think twice before another second campus is set up.

  • accommodatevi. 使自己适应 vt. 使一致,和解;提供方便;容纳
  • inconveniencen. 不便,困难 vt. 使 ... 不便,使 ...
  • costlyadj. 昂贵的,代价高的
  • insufficientadj. 不足的
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • affordableadj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的
  • challengingadj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂
  • scalen. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围 v. 依比例决定,攀登
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • communicationn. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信