日期:2012-03-28 11:19


Day 2


  1 discern vt. 看出,察觉出;识别,认出

  【联想】discrenible a. 依稀可辨的;discerning a. 识别力强的,有洞察力的;discernment n.识别力,洞察力.

  【搭配】discern sb.'s true intentions 弄清某人的真实意图

  2 embark vi. 上船(或飞机、汽车等);着手,开始工作

  【联想】embarkation n. 乘船,装载,开始,从事

  【搭配】embark on/upon.sth. 开始从事某事

  3 evoke vt. 唤起,引起,使人想起

  【联想】evocation n. 唤起,想起;remind of 提醒,使想起

  【搭配】evoke admiration 产生羡慕之情;evoke of 提醒,使人想起

  4 extravagant a.奢侈的,铺张的;过度的,过分的,(言行等)放肆的

  【联想】extravagance n. 奢侈,过度的;extravagantly ad.奢侈地

  【搭配】extravagant tastes and habits 奢侈的嗜好和习惯;extravagant behavior 放肆的行为

  5 haul vt.(用力)拖,拉;(用车)拖车,运送 n.拖,拉,拖拉;一次获得(或偷得等)的数量

  【联想】haulage n.货运,货物运费;hauler/-ier n. 运输业者,公路运输行

  【搭配】haul sb. over the coals 严厉斥责某人;haul sb.up (before sb.)把某人带上来审讯

  6 initiate vt. 开始,创始,发起;使初步了解,接纳(新成员),让…加入 n. 新加入组织的人

  [联想]initial a. 开始的,最初的 n.(pl.)(姓名的)首字母;initiative n. 主动性,首创精神,主动权;initiation n. 开始实施,开始,发起

  【搭配】initiate sb.(into sth.)接纳或介绍某人加入某团体等(常通过某种仪式)

  7 intuition n.直觉

  【联想】intuitive a. 直觉的,来自直觉的;intuitively ad. 直觉地

  【搭配】know sth. by intuition 凭直觉了解某物;intuition about sth./that...凭直觉感知...

  8 immerse vt.(in)使沉浸在,使专心于

  【联想】immersion n. 沉浸,浸沉,洗礼

  【搭配】immerse sth.(in sth.)使某物浸没于液体中;immerse oneself (in sth)自己沉浸于某事,使自己深陷于或专心于

  9 migrate vi.(候鸟等)迁徙,移栖;移居(尤指移居国外),迁移

  【联想】migrant n.移居者,移民 a 迁徙的;migration n.迁居,移居;migratory a. 有迁徙习惯的

  【搭配】migrate to 迁徙到,移居到

  10 integrity n. 正直,诚实,诚恳;完整,完全,完善

  [联想]integral a.构成整体所必须的,基本的;integrate v. (into,with)使成为一体,使合并

  【搭配】commercial integrity 商业上的诚信;respect a nation;s territorial integrity 尊重国家领土的完整

  第二部分:Practice Makes Perfect

  1 We fine that some birds_____twice a year between hot and cold countrises.

  A transfer

  B commute

  C migrate

  D emigrate

  2 Many scientists become totally_____in their own special fields.

  A induced

  B haunted

  C immersed

  D submerged

  3 His_____was telling him that something was wrong.

  A sentiment

  B inspiration

  C hypothesis

  D intuition

  4 They have always regarded a man of_____abd fairness as a reliable friend.

  A robustness

  B temperament

  C integrity

  D compactness

  5 The goverment_____a mass campaign to wipe out malaria in the area.

  A initiated

  B participated

  C modified

  D comprised

  6 If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to_____away all the rocks.

  A repel

  B haul

  C transfer

  D dispose

  7 She is a good cook but_____with salt.

  A excessive

  B wasteful

  C extravagant

  D generous

  8 When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want,the question_____a variety of answers.

  A evokes

  B mediates

  C defies

  D magnifies

  9 The passengers_____at San Francisco for Shanghai.

  A boarded

  B embarked

  C mounted

  D left

  10 It is often difficult to_____the truth of what we are told.

  A discern

  B acknowledge

  C recognize

  D understand


  C C D C A B C A B A

  • initialn. (词)首字母 adj. 开始的,最初的,字首的 v
  • intuitiveadj. 直觉的
  • intuitivelyadv. 直观地;直觉地
  • discerningadj. 有见识的
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • evokevt. 唤起,引起
  • migratoryadj. 迁移的,流浪的
  • immersionn. 浸入(专心)
  • emigratev. 移居,移民
  • transfern. 迁移,移动,换车 v. 转移,调转,调任