日期:2010-12-03 11:00


Part Ⅰ Writing(30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic To Curb Spending. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

  1. 现在许多大学生普遍花钱大手大脚,消费水平高

  2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非

  3. 你的看法

  To Curb Spending

 Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Freud’s Study on “Human Mind”

  Most people often dream at night. When they wake in the morning they say to themselves, “What a strange dream I had! I wonder what made me dream that.”Sometimes dreams are frightening. Sometimes, in dreams, wishes come true. At other times we are troubled by strange dreams in which the world seems to have been turned upside-down and nothing makes sense.

  In dreams we do things which we would never do when we're awake. We think and say things we would never think and say. Why are dreams so strange and unfamiliar? Where do dreams come from?

  No one has produced a more satisfying answer than a man called Sigmund Freud. He said that dreams come from a part of one's mind which one can neither recognize nor control. He named this the “unconscious mind” .

  Sigmund Freud was born about a hundred years ago. He lived most of his life in Vienna, Austria, but ended his days in London, soon after the beginning of the Second World War.The new worlds Freud explored were inside man himself. For the unconscious mind is like a deep well, full of memories and feelings. These memories and feelings have been stored there from the moment of our birth. Our conscious mind has forgotten them. We do not suspect that they are there until some unhappy or unusual experience causes us to remember, or to dream dreams. Then suddenly we see the same thing and feel the same way we felt when we were little children.

  This discovery of Freud's is very important if we wish to understand why people act as they do. For the unconscious forces inside us are at least as powerful as the conscious forces we know about. Sometimes we do things without knowing why. If we don't, the reasons may lie deep in our unconscious minds.

  When Freud was a child he cared about the sufferings of others, so it isn't surprising that he became a doctor when he grew up. He learned all about the way in which the human body works. But he became more and more curious about the human mind. He went to Paris to study with a famous French doctor, Charcot. At that time it seemed that no one knew very much about the mind. If a person went mad, or “out of his mind”, there was not much that could be done about it. People didn't understand at all what was happening to the madman. Had he been possessed by a devil or evil spirit? Was God punishing him for wrong-doing? Often such people were shut away from the ordinary people as if they had done some terrible crime.

  This is still true today in many places. Doctors prefer to experiment on those parts of a man which they can see and examine. If you cut a man's head open you can see his brain. But you can't see his thoughts or ideas or dreams.

  In Freud's day few doctors were interested in these subjects. Freud wanted to know how our minds work. He learned a lot from Charcot. He returned to Vienna in 1886 and began work as a doctor in nerve diseases. He got married and began to receive more and more patients at home. Most of the patients who came to see him were women. They were over-excited and anxious, sick in mind rather than in body. Medicine did not help them. Freud was full of sympathy but he could do little to make them better.

  Then one day a friend, Dr Josef Breuer, came to see him. He told Freud about a girl he was looking after. The girl seemed to get better when she was allowed to talk about herself. She told Dr Breuer everything that came into her mind. And each time she talked to him she remembered more about her life as a little child. Freud was excited when he heard this. He began to try to cure his patients in the same way. He asked about the events of their early childhood. He urged them to talk about their own experiences and relationships. He himself said very little. Often, as he listened, his patients relived moments from their past life. They trembled with anger and fear, hate and love. They acted as though Freud was their father or mother or lover.The doctor did not make any attempt to stop them. He quietly accepted whatever they told him, the good things and the bad. Also one young woman who came to him couldn't drink anything, although she was very thirsty. Something prevented her from drinking.Freud discovered the reason for this. One day, as they were talking, the girl remembered having seen a dog drink from her nurse's glass. She hadn't told the nurse, whom she disliked. She had forgotten the whole experience. But suddenly this childhood memory returned to mind. When she had told it all to Dr Freud—the nurse, the dog, the glass of water —the girl was able to drink again.

  Freud called this treatment the ‘talking cure’. Later it was called psychoanalysis. When patients talked freely about the things that were troubling them they often felt better.

  The things that patients told him sometimes gave Freud a shock. He discovered that the feelings of very young children are not so different from those of their parents. A small boy may love his mother so much that he wants to kill his father. At the same time he loves his father and is deeply ashamed of this wish. It is difficult to live with such mixed feelings, so they fade away into the unconscious mind and only return in troubled dreams.It was hard to believe that people could become blind, or lose the power of speech, because of what had happened to them when they were children.

  Freud was attacked from all sides for what he discovered. But he also found firm friends. Many people believed that he had at last found a way to unlock the secrets of the human mind, and to help people who were very miserable. He had found the answer to many of life's great questions.He became famous all over the world and taught others to use the talking cure. His influence on modern art, literature and science cannot be measured. People who wrote books and plays, people who painted pictures and people who worked in schools, hospitals and prisons all learned something from the great man who discovered a way into the unconscious mind.Not all of Freud's ideas are accepted today. But others have followed where he led and have helped us to understand ourselves better. Because of him, and them, there is more hope today than there has ever been before for people who were once just called “crazy”.

  1. So far, Freud is the only one who can ______________.

  A) study human’s thoughts, ideas and dreams

  B) provide us the most satisfying reply to where dreams come from

  C) tell us the reason why we will dream at night

  D) offer us some help in mental problems

  2. Freud _____________________.

  A) spent most of his life in Vienna as well as London

  B) ended his life after World War II

  C) spend most of his life in Vienna, Austria

  D) passed away in Austria before the World War Ⅱ

  3. When Freud was a grown-up, ___________________.

  A) he was more interested in human mind than the way the human body works

  B) he focused his study on the human mind instead of human body

  C) he shifted his attention to the study of psychology

  D) he was most interested in the study of how human body works

  4. In Freud’s day, _________________.

  A) a number of doctors concentrated on the human’s dreams

  B) a lot of students admired Freud’s study very much

  C) no doctor would like to work with Freud together

  D) no doctors were interested in human’s ideas, thoughts or dreams

  5. According to the passage, Dr Josef Breuer ________________.

  A) gave Freud some help in Freud’s study

  B) was one of the workmates of Freud

  C) was a doctor who specialized in the study of human body

  D) offtered some advice in Freud’s study

  6. According to the passage, psychoanalysis was a process ________________.

  A) in which patients would not participate

  B) in which patients must say something great they encountered before

  C) in which patients could do what they like to do

  D) in which patients could speak out his bad fortune freely in order to make themselves reassured

  7. Freud found with a shock that ________________.

  A) young children and their parents couldn’t stay together for a long time

  B) yong children were always obedient to their parents

  C) young children were not so different from their parents in feelings

  D) young children and his parents differed largely in feelings

  8. Although much attack pointed to Freud, it was also thought by many people that Freud had a way to uncover the secrets of __________and to help miserable people.

  9. According to the passage, it is hardly to measure Freud’s influence on modern art, ___ __ _______.

  10. According to the passage, at present Freud’s study brings a lot of hope to people once called “______.”

Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on Answer Sheet 2.

  Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

  Many workers who worked in the World Trade Center after the September eleventh attacks became sick. They breathed a mix of dust, smoke and chemicals in the ruins of the Twin Towers and a third building that fell. Some went clays without good protection for their lungs. Five years later, many of the thousands who worked at Ground Zero in the early days after the attacks still have health problems.

  Doctors at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City have announced the results of the largest study of these workers. The study confirmed high rates of breathing problems in members of the building trades, firefighters, police officers and other workers. Almost seventy percent of the workers in the study had a new or worsened breathing problem. These problems developed during or after their time working in the mountain of wreckage. About sixty percent still had breathing problems at the time of their examination. The researchers say they decided to study the effects on breathing first because other disorders might be slower to appear. Mount Sinai says it tested almost twelve thousand people between two thousand two and two thousand four. Eight out of ten of them agreed to have their results used in the report. The new results added strength to a Mount Sinai study released in two thousand four. That study was based on only about one thousand workers.

  Some lawmakers have sharply criticized city and state officials for letting workers labor at Ground Zero without satisfactory equipment. Officials have also been criticized for saying the air was relatively safe. State and federal officials have promised more than fifty million dollars to pay for treatment of the workers. Doctor Robin Herbert is one of the directors of the Mount Sinai testing program. She says people are still coming to the hospital for treatment of problems that were caused by the dust at Ground Zero. In her words:" My worry is that money will be gone in a year, and what happens then?"

  47. What contributed to problems of the workers in World Trade Center after the attacks?

  48. Who had the most serious breathing problems according to the latest study?

  49. The researchers decided to carry on some study on the effects on breathing first because __________ might appear in a later period of time.

  50. ______ are sharply criticized by some lawmakers because they let workers labor at Ground Zero with out satisfactory equipment.

  51. What measures have the officials promised to take to deal with the health problem?

  Section B

  Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.

  Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is "Don't!". But it is useless to try to discourage someone who feels that he must act, though the chances of his becoming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a repertory company, usually as an assistant stage manager. This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre: painting scenery, looking after the furniture, taking care of the costumes, and even acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed. The hours are long and the salary is tiny. But young actors with the stage in their blood are happy, waiting for the chances of working with a better company, or perhaps in films or television.

  Of course, some people have unusual chances which lead to fame and success without this long and dull training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his big car. He told the driver to stop, and he got out to speak to the girl. He asked her if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and at first she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to tell Connie that he was serious. Then an appointment was made for her to go to the studio the next day. The test was successful. They gave her some necessary lessons and within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. Of Course, she was given a more dramatic name, which is now world-famous. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!

  52. According to the passage, the main reason why young people should be discouraged from becoming actors is ______.

  A) actors are very unusual people

  B) the course at the drama school lasts two years

  C) acting is really a hard job

  D) there are already too many actors

  53. An assistant stage manager's job is difficult because he has to ______.

  A) do all kinds of stage work

  B) work for long hours

  C) wait for a better company

  D) act well

  54. According to the context, the sentence "But young actors with the stage in their blood are happy" at the end of the first paragraph means ______.

  A) they don't care if their job is hard

  B) they like the stage naturally

  C) they are born happy

  D) they are easily satisfied

  55. Conie Pratt soon became a famous actress after ______.

  A) learning some lessons about the art of speaking

  B) playing her part in the "Blue Colored Moon"

  C) successfully matching the most famous actors

  D) acting a leading part with a most famous actor at that time

  56. The phrase "once in a blue moon" in last line refers to ______.

  A) all at once

  B) once for a long time

  C) once in a while

  D) once and for all

  Passage Two

  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  The home service industry in Beijing is expected to become more attractive both as a job and as an industry.

  Sources at the Beijing People's Political Consultative Conference said resistance to home service work is melting away from minds of the city's laid-off workers. The Conference suggested the establishment of municipal centers which supervise property management, household mending and installation, and house keeping services. Modern city life is creating a need for industrialization home services. This will create job opportunities for laid-off workers, said Vice director of the Social Judicial Committee of the Conference.

  Beijing residents have long desired a home service industry. The demand is expected to drive new economic growth. There are few high quality home help services in Beijing and customers are always complaining.

  In the past, few laid-off workers in Beijing desired to work as home helpers, jobs largely taken by young women from the countryside. At the same time, some city residents have not felt safe trusting rural girls with modern household machines or with their small children. Many people would pay more for reliable house keepers who are more familiar with city life, but they have had no way of getting one, even though the city is home to thousands of laid-off workers.

  By the end of June this year, there were 30,600 jobless workers in the city. Most of them are women in their 40's, who are not blessed with particular skills and who have had their work ethics shaped by the planned economy. Many of them were at a loss when they first realized they had lost their jobs and a way of life they had got used to for decades.

  They never imagined being laid-off by state-owned enterprises; they never considered other kinds of employment. For them, the private sector meant taking risks; housekeeping implied lower social status. Gao yunfang, 44, is a pioneer who is breaking the ice. She sells the Beijing Morning Post in the morning, and works at two households in the afternoon. She earns 1,000 yuan per month. So she no longer worries about her daughter's tuition at a university in Shanghai.

  57. What is talked about in the passage?

  A) Home service.

  B) Modern city life.

  C) Laid-off worker.

  D) Social status.

  58. What does the word "laid-off' in the passage mean?

  A) Heavily-burdened.

  B) Old.

  C) Inexperienced.

  D) Jobless.

  59. Why were many laid-off workers at a loss?

  A) Because they didn't get used to the new way of life.

  B) Because they are too old to find a new job.

  C) Because they dislike being laid off.

  D) Because they think they lost their social status.

  60. Why didn't the laid-off workers like to do home services in the past?

  A) Low salary.

  B) Lower social status.

  C) Dirty working condition.

  D) Too much extra work.

  61. In which ways is home service industry good for our society?

  A) It meets the needs of modern life.

  B) It provides work opportunities for the laid-off worker.

  C) It is a new industry.

  D) A and B.

Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  We all laugh. We all hurt. We all make mistakes. We all dream, that’s life. It's a journey. Please follow these rules to make the journey of your life a journey of joy!

  62 positive through the cold season could be your best 63 against getting ill, new study findings suggest.

  In an experiment that 64 healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a 65 sunny disposition were less likely to 66 ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence 67 a "positive emotional style" can help 68 off the common cold and other illnesses.

  Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness 69 immune function and subjective as in happy people being less 70 by a scratchy throat or runny nose. "People with a positive emotional style may have different immune _71 to the virus," explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "And when they do get a cold, they may 72 their illness as being less severe."

  Cohen and his colleagues had found in a 73 study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, 74 some questions remained as to 75 the emotional trait itself had the effect.

  For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults with complete standard measures of personality traits, self-perceived health and emotional "style". Those who 76 be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged 77 having a positive emotional style, 78 those who were often unhappy, tense and hostile had a negative style. The researchers gave them nasal drops 79 either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the 80 reported on any aches, pains, sneezing or congestion they had, while the researchers collected __81 data, like daily mucus production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.

  62. A) Living B) Staying C) Pulling D) Surviving

  63. A) safeguard B) immunity C) caution D) defense

  64. A) excluded B) expelled C) exposed D) exiled

  65. A) generally B) commonly C) frequently D) genetically

  66. A) feel B) fall C) fell D) fall

  67. A) that B) which C) what D) why

  68. A) keep B) warn C) ward D) avoid

  69. A) boasting B) boosting C) receding D) reducing

  70. A) suffered B) troubled C) disturbed D) hindered

  71. A) function B) ability C) response D) reaction

  72. A) thought B) related C) interpreted D) translated

  73. A) formal B) former C) previous D) precious

  74. A) and B) but C) so D) for

  75. A) which B) whether C) where D) how

  76. A) tended to B) inclined to C) apt to D) subject to

  77. A) by B) with C) in D) as

  78. A) while B) however C) what's more D) therefore

  79. A) comprising B) consisting C) containing D) covering

  80. A) patients B) adults C) volunteers D) researchers

  81. A) objective B) subjective C) positive D) negative

 Part Ⅵ Translation

  Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

  82. _______________________(如果我是你的话), I would have accepted such an offer given by the manager.

  83. He hurried to the house ______ (结果房内空空如也).

  84. Living in the desert has many problems, _______________________(缺水并不是唯一的问题).

  85. Both boys and girls put much emphasis _______________________(有足够的钱以便到外面去痛快享受).

  86. The students now _______________________(宁愿单独一个人玩电脑,也不愿意到图书馆去查阅资料).


  Part I Writing




  Nowadays the campus students seem to have no idea of how money comes from, and not to care about their expenditure. They buy whatever they like for themselves, also for their friends, paying no attention to how much these things cost.

  Some people say that it is not a problem for college students to spend much. After all, the society is progressing and the life is being enriched. With the living standard being raised, it is reasonable to improve the expenditure of students. There is nothing to blame.

  For me, it is not just a habit of spending more money; it is a reflection of students' outlook on money and value. The students get money from their parents so easily that they have no idea of earning money with their hard work and effort, thus developing an awareness that they want to get things but are unwilling to work hard for their goal. Definitely, that is harmful. The campus students can improve their lives, but with the money earned by themselves.






  Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)





  (3)【1】没有人的答案比Sigmund Freud给出的更让人满意。他认为,梦源于人的心灵,人没有办法认识或控制它。他把这个称作“无意识心理”。

  (4)【2】Sigmund Freud出生在一百多年前,他一生中大部分的时间生活在奥地利的维也纳,但二战后不久,在伦敦终老。Freud探索了一个新的世界——人类内心世界。无意识心理就像一口深井,充满了记忆和情感。从我们出生的那一刻起就储存在那里。我们的“有意识心理”把它们给遗忘了。直到不愉快、不平凡的经历使我们去回忆,或做梦的时候,我们才意识到它们就在那里。突然之间,我们看到了童年时看到的东西,拥有了和童年时代一样的感受。





  (9)【5】有一天,Freud的朋友Josef Breuer医生来看他,并和他讲到了自己照顾的一个小姑娘。每次当他允许小姑娘讨论自己的事情时,她看起来就会好一点。她告诉Josef Breuer医生映入脑海的所有事情。每谈一次,她就能记起更多小时候的事。听到此,Freud很激动。他开始用同样的方法治疗自己的病人。他询问病人孩提时代的事情,鼓励病人讲述自己的经历和人际关系。他自己说的很少。在他倾听时,病人经常会重现过去的生活瞬间。他们会因愤怒害怕,或爱恨情仇而颤抖。他们仿佛把Freud当成自己的父亲、母亲或情人。Freud从不试图阻止他们,他安静地接受病人所讲的一切,不管是好事还是坏事。来看病的有一位年轻女士,她尽管很渴却无法喝水。是某些原因阻止了她喝水的能力。Freud发现了其中的原因。一天,他们交流时,这位女士记起,她看到一只狗从护士的杯子里喝水,她并没告诉这个她不喜欢的护士。后来她完全忘记了这个经历。突然,儿时的记忆重回脑海。当她把整个故事——护士、狗、那杯水——讲给Freud 听时, 这位女士又可以喝水了。




  1. 答案B

  解析:根据题干,考生可锁定文章的第三段。段首讲,关于解梦,没有人比Sigmund Freud给出的答案让人更满意。

  2. 答案C

  解析:根据选项的内容,考生可锁定文章的第四段。第四段一开始就讲到Sigmund Freud的生平。选项B是个干扰性,文中只说到end his days(终老),并没有说end his life(自杀)。

  3. 答案A


  4. 答案D


  5. 答案A

  解析:根据题干中的人名Dr Josef Breuer ,考生可锁定文章的第九段。 Josef Breuer医生 给Freud讲了自己一个病人的故事,这给Freud带来了灵感。由此可以判断,在Freud学说中,Josef Breuer医生 提供了一些帮助。

  6. 答案D


  7. 答案C

  解析:根据题干,考生可锁定文章的第十一段。段中的原话为,He discovered that the feelings of very young children are not so different from those of their parents,而选项C是其同义句。

  8. 答案the human mind


  9. 答案literature and science


  10. 答案crazy


Part IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)

  Section A



  纽约市Mount Sinai医疗中心的医生宣布了对这些工人的研究结果。【48】这项研究确认,商贸中心成员、消防队员、警察和其他工人中,呼吸出现问题的比率很高。研究中大概70%的工人有了新的呼吸问题,或原有的呼吸问题加重。他们在如山般的残骸中工作,期间或随后出现了这些问题。在调查研究期间,大概60%的人依然有呼吸问题。【49】研究人员说,其他的紊乱可能出现得比较晚,他们决定先研究对呼吸的影响。Mount Sinai说,2002和2004期间,测试了将近12,000人,其中80%的人同意把结果写在报告里。新的结果支持2004年Mount Sinai发表的研究结果,而那时的研究只测试了1,000人。

  【50】市以及州政府官员让工人在没有令人满意的设备的“爆心投影点”工作,一些立法者尖锐地批评了这一点;政府官员声称空气相对来说安全,这也受到了批判。【51】州及联邦政府许诺,5亿多美元将用来支付工人的治疗费用。Robin Herbert医生是Mount Sinai测试项目的负责人之一,她说,因“爆心投影点”的烟尘所引起的问题,还有很多人来医院治疗,“我担心一年之后钱花完了,怎么办?”

  47.答案A harmful mix of dust,smoke and chemicals in the ruins.


  48.答案The building trades,firefighters,police officers and other workers.


  49.答案other disorders


  50.答案City and state officials


  51.答案To pay more than fifty million dollars for treatment of the workers.

  解析:根据问题,考生可锁定文章的第三段。考生要对原句做细微的调整,用to do不定式的结构来表示措施。

  Section B

  Passage One



  当然,有些人运气超好,没有经过这个漫长枯燥的过程便成名了。比如Connie Pratt,她起初只是个在自行车厂工作的普通女孩。一天早晨她在公交站等车,一个电影制片人的豪华轿车恰巧路过,制片人看到了她,便让司机停车,他前去和这个女孩交谈,问她是否愿意到电影制片厂试镜。刚开始,女孩以为他在开玩笑。随后她生气了,并说要报警。制片人花了20分钟告诉Connie他是严肃的,然后约定让她第二天到制片厂去。试镜很成功。随后她接受了一些必要的训练。几周后,【55】她便担当了主角。和当时的知名演员演对手戏。当然,她也有了现在闻名世界的艺名。【56】但这样的机会千载难逢!




  解析:本题是个细节判断题。根据题干中的an assistant stage manager,考生可锁定文章的第一段。原文中讲,年轻演员一般在轮演剧团工作,职位一般为舞台总监助理。这意味着,要做剧院里所有的工作。选项B是个干扰项,这只是其中一个因素而已。




  解析:本题是个细节题。第二段后半部分讲,女孩随后接受了一些必要的训练,几周后便担当了主角,和当时的知名演员演对手戏,然后便世界闻名了。因此D正确。选项A是个干扰项,文中说女孩接受了一些训练,但没有提到接受的训练是“the art of speaking”。



  Passage Two


















  Part V Cloze





  研究人员相信,这既有客观方面的原因,因为快乐感可以提高免疫功能;也有主观方面的原因,因为快乐的人很少受喉咙沙哑或流鼻涕的困扰。匹兹堡卡耐基梅隆大学的Sheldon Cohen博士是这项研究的领导人物,他解释说,“拥有积极向上情感类型的人,对病毒的免疫反应不一样。感冒时,他们会认为自己的病并没有那么严重。”










  解析:此空考查副词。 选项A中的generally意为“一般来讲”;选项B中commonly意为“通常地,普通地”;选项C中的frequently意为“经常”;选项D中的genetically意为“遗传方面地”。


  解析:此空考查固定搭配,生病的英语表达为“fall ill”。




  解析:此空考查动词搭配。四个选项中只有ward可以和off连用,ward off意为“防止,避开”。




  解析:后面作者列举了两种情况,a scratchy throat,a runny nose,快乐的人不太会受到这两种情况的困扰。而选项A是个干扰项,suffer一般不用于被动态。




  解析:能和后面的as连用的动词有选项A、C、D。选项A中需要用think of ... as;选项D中translate ... as意为“把……翻译为”。而选项C中的interpret意为“解释说明”,符合题意。








  解析:此空考查动词短语。选项A中的tend to意为“倾向于,易于”;选项B中的incline to强调“赞同,支持” 的含义;选项C中的apt to意为“有可能”,强调某事发生的可能性;选项D中的subject to意为“屈服于,让步于,易受…….的影响”。因此只有A符合题意。


  解析:judge ... as意为“判断……为”,此处使用被动语态。









  Part VI Translation

  82.答案If I were in your shoes/If I were you

  解析:本题考查虚拟语气。前半句使用过去式与现在事实相反,而后半句使用would have done的形式表示与过去事实相反。考生要注意,虚拟语气中be动词的过去式用were,不管主语是第几人称。

  83.答案only to find that it was empty

  解析:此句考查固定结构。表示出乎意料的结果,英语中使用only to do的形式。

  84. 答案the least of which the lack of water is not

  解析:本题考查定语从句的使用。缺水并不是唯一的问题,可翻译为the lack of water is not the least of all these problems,这里是一个非限定性的定语从句,which指代前面的problems。

  85. 答案on having enough money to enjoy themselves outside

  解析:本题考查动词短语:put emphasis on(强调,重视);“痛快享乐”的表达为enjoy oneself。

  86. 答案prefer to play the computers rather than consult the reference books in the library

  解析:本题考查固定结构:“宁愿……也不愿意”可翻译为prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.。

  • expendituren. (时间、劳力、金钱等)支出,使用,消耗
  • safeguardn. 保卫者,保护措施 vt. 保卫,保护
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • virusn. 病毒,病原体
  • unhappyadj. 不快乐的,不高兴的
  • compositionn. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份
  • thirstyadj. 口渴的,渴望的
  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况
  • exposedadj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,
  • ethicsn. 道德规范