日期:2009-06-20 21:55



82. him into stopping buying a car.

83. Keeping a sense of humor helps to

84. he had to confess his crime.

85. someone must be talking about them behind their back.

86. it hard/difficult to resist the temptation of ice-cream.




82. With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ______________(说服他不买车).

解析:做四六级翻译题的实质是补全句子,所以已给英文题干和中文部分都要仔细分析。说服某人,考生第一反应是persuade sb. into doing sth.,但是题干已给动词talk,所以考察点是talk sb. into doing sth.,考生如果对这个词组不熟悉,可以大胆套用persuade这个词组的格式。

参考答案:him into stopping buying a car.

83. ________________(保持幽默感有助于)reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.

解析:考点有两个,“幽默感”和“有助于”。某方面的“感”,如正义感,责任感,在英语(论坛)中都用“sense”来表达,即sense of justice, sense of responsibility。“有助于”可用两种表达方式,be helpful to do sth., 或者help to do sth. 另外注意动词短语做主语,要转化为动名词形式,即keep表达为keeping。

参考答案:Keeping a sense of humor helps to

84. When confronted with the evidence, _______________(他不得不坦白自己的罪行).


参考答案:he had to confess his crime.

85. When people say, “I can feel my ears burning”, it means they think___________________(一定有人在说他们的坏话).

解析:本题考察“说某人坏话”,六级高频词组,有两种表达方式,speak evil of sb.或者talk sb. behind one’s back.后者在我的课堂上曾经以周星驰电影中的经典翻译摘举中给大家讲过,很多同学考后致电,感到很开心。另外,推断某人一定在做某事,考察情态动词“must be doing sth.”。

参考答案:someone must be talking about them behind their back.

86. She has decided to go on a diet, but finds ___________________(很难抵制冰淇淋的诱惑) .

解析:本题考察词组“发现某事很难(find it hard/difficult to do sth.)”,以及高频词“抵制(resist)”和“诱惑(temptation)”

参考答案:it hard/difficult to resist the temptation of ice-cream.

  • persuadevt. 说服,劝说
  • confessv. 承认,告白,忏悔
  • temptationn. 诱惑,引诱
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • competitiveadj. 竞争的,比赛的
  • resistv. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住 n. 防蚀涂层
  • promotevt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销
  • creativeadj. 创造性的
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明