历年英语四级翻译真题附答案和讲解 第40期:留守儿童
日期:2015-01-22 16:21



据统计,全国共有超过6100万留守儿童(left-behind children)。他们的父母远离家乡到城镇地区谋生,留下他们由祖父母或其他亲戚照顾。留守儿童问题是一个值得关注的社会问题。留守儿童无法像同龄孩子那样得到父母的关爱,从而引起各种心理问题。此外,留守儿童更容易受到意外伤害。为此国务院(State Council)成立了一个专门工作组来保护留守儿童的合法权益。


1.第2句有两个分句,可将前一分句处理为句子的主干,后半句“留下他们由......照顾”可处理为状语,用现在分词短语leaving them taken care of by...来表达。前一分句“远离家乡到城镇地区谋生”有两个动作“远离”和“谋生”,可将“谋生”作为句子的谓语,“远离家庭”处理为修饰“城镇地区”的定语,整句译为earn a living in urban areas far away from home。

2.第3句“留守儿童问题是—个值得关注的社会问题”中,有两个“问题”,按照英语表达习惯要避免重复,故分别译为problem和issue。定语“值得关注的”较长,进行后置处理,可用介词短语of concern或worth concerning 来表达。

3.第4句中的“得到父母的关爱”可直译为receive/get parents' care但较生硬,不如译文中的表达enjoy parents' care来得精彩,表达出“享受”的感觉。“像同龄孩子那样”不能直译为as their peers,而应补充出“得到父母的关爱”的动作才能达意,为避免重复,用动词do来代替。“从而引起......”作结果状语,用分词短语 resulting in...来表达。

4.最后一句中的“来保护留守儿童的合法权益”作目的状语,用不定式短语toprotect the legal rights and interests of left-behind children来表达。定语“留守儿童的”较长,故将其后置。


According to statistics, there are over 61 million left-behind children in China Their parents earn a living in urban areas far away from home, leaving them taken care of by grandparents or other relatives. The problem of the left-behind children is a social issue worth concerning. The left-behind children can't enjoy their parents' care as their peers do, resulting in a variety of psychological problems. In addition, they are more vulnerable to accidental injuries. To this end, the State Council has set up a special work team to protect the legal rights and interests of the left-behind children.
