英语四级翻译模拟题附答案和讲解 第31期:中国茶文化
日期:2014-12-26 14:18





1.第1句中的“可以追溯到周朝”和“约有4000年的历史”可用并列结构Teaculture in China has a history... and can be traced back...,但不如将后半句处理成状语,用介词短语with a history of 4,000 years 译出,使译文主次分明,层次感强。

2.翻译第2句“‘一日三餐茶饭’成为……”时,可套用句型itis n. (for sb.) to do sth.,表达为It is a daily habit for the Chinese to have...。“一日三餐茶饭”应该理解为“每天吃三顿饭和喝三次茶”,故译为have meals and drink tea three times a day。

3.第3句中的主句“通常递上的也是一杯茶”为汉语中的无主语句,此句强调了“茶”,故可用强调句型 it is... that来表达,“有客人来访时”可处理为时间状语从句when guests come,也可将其整合到主句中去,整句译作 it is often a cup of tea that is served to the guests。

4.倒数第2句中的“茶叶”译作tea leaf,虽然tea—词也有“茶叶”的意思,但译作tea leaf以便与文中其他的tea作出区分,使意思更明确。“色、香、味、形”中的“形”指整体的形状,不单纯指“形”,故译为appearance比 shape更达意。


With a history of 4,000 years, tea culture in China can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty. It is a daily habit for the Chinese to have meals and drink tea three times a day. When guests come, it is often a cup of tea that the host serves. Tea-drinking is both an art and learning in China. In many places of China, the way of making tea is very complicated. Chinese tea leaf is famous throughout the world for its unique color, fragrance, taste and appearance. Among the various kinds of Chinese tea, the most famous are green tea, black tea, oolong tea, and scented tea.
