日期:2011-11-04 11:01


One in three women look after the household finances as they don't believe their other half can keep up with paying the bills, research has found.


  And so mistrustful are they of their husbands' abilities with money, that only one in five is willing to take financial advice from them, according to the study.


  Their menfolk are not the only ones women don't trust, however. Some 90 percent of those surveyed wouldn't rely on their bank to help them out of financial trouble either. And 87 percent don't believe their local politician would be any use.


  Instead of turning to others, women are much more likely to try to solve their own financial problems. Almost a third said they prefer to use financial websites to get the advice they seek - and only 2 percent believe a bank would provide help.


  Caroline Bloor, of Good Housekeeping magazine, which conducted the survey, said: 'This is tremendously empowering. It puts women in a very strong position when it comes to making life-changing decisions. Women are fast learners when it comes to personal finance. They do their research, they're more cautious and they're not too proud to speak up when they don't understand financial jargon or need advice.'

  《好管家》杂志的卡洛琳 布鲁尔是这项调查的发起人,她说:“理财能力赋予女性很多权利,良好的理财能力使女性在决定家里重大事情的时候拥有充分的话语权。她们接受个人理财方面的知识速度很快,乐于钻研、细致谨慎在遇到不熟悉的理财术语或需要帮助的时候,也会虚心讲出来。”

  It may seem like a reversal of the traditional roles for women to look after the finances - but it's not the only one.


  This week, a separate survey found half of all women think their man is the better cook.


  • surveyv. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视 n. 调查,纵
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • cautiousadj. 十分小心的,谨慎的
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • reversaln. 翻转,倒转,反转
  • jargonn. 行话 vi. 说行话
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • politiciann. 政治家,政客
  • traditionaladj. 传统的