日期:2010-10-22 13:39


In future trade,the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. The 67____ World countries export their mineral 68____ and tropical agricultural products, which bring them 69____ foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible 70____ the rapid development of some 71____ nations. Many Third world nations with high 72____ and low wages have seen an emigration (移居) of workers 73____ the developed nations. Western Europe has 74____ millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries. The developing nations profit 75____ these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills 76____ home. Many developing nations benefit when western nations 77____ manufacturing in their countries to take 78____ of cheap labor. 79____ economies mature, economic growth rates tend to level off (稳定). The rate of 80____ growth is leveling off today in Western nations. This leveling off 81____ leads to static non-growth markets. A point of saturation (饱和) 82____ n—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, 83____ then how much further can it go? Herman Kahn, 84____ his book ,The Next 200 Years, says that a shift in priorities will have to occur for industrialized nations. 85____ is the creation of money and jobs essential; 86____ is rather the improvement of the quality of life that must be our concern.

67. A) First B) Second C) West D) Third
68. A) ranges B) scopes C) deposits D) products
69. A) desired B) possible C) available D) abandoned
70. A) to B) for C) towards D) over
71. A) developed B) powerful C) industrialized D) developing
72. A) employment B) unemployment C) development D) improvement
73. A) to B) by C) at D) in
74. A) exploited B) imported C) received D) specified
75. A) because B) before C) since D) when
76. A) down B) all C) back D) outside
77. A) establish B) decide C) predict D) mention
78. A) disadvantage B) challenge C) advantage D) privilege
79. A) Since B) As C) Though D) Whereas
80. A) economy B) mankind C) society D) population
81. A) relatively B) eventually C) sometimes D) hardly
82. A) arrives B) reports C) sets D) but
83. A) or B) but C) for D) so
84. A) by B) from C) after D) in
85. A) No longer B) No doubt C) Of course D) So far
86. A) it B) that C) there D) which
67. D。根据本句后半部分, “export...tropical agricultural products” (出口热带农产品),第四句提到了”Third world”,可知此处应为the Third World countries,即指 “developing countries” 。
68. C。此处 deposits意为“资源” ,与 mineral搭配意为“矿产资源” 。range指“范围” ;scopes指“取景,余地”;product指“产品”,都不符合句意。
69. A。第三世界国家出口矿产资源和农产品目的是获得外汇。available指“可得到的”,符合句意;desired “渴望的”; possible “可能的”;abandoned “丢弃的”,意思与文章不符 。
70. B。be responsible for 为固定搭配,指“对……负责,形成……的原因”, 该处可引申为“对……有贡献”。
71. D。句意 “旅游业也对发展中国家的快速发展很有贡献”。develpping nations 为“发展中国家”
72. B。发展中国家的状况应是高失业率与低工资相对应。A项正好相反,development 意为“发展”; improvement意为“提高”。 因此答案为B。
73. A。emigration与介词to搭配,表示“移民到”。
74. C。exploit指“剥削” ;import指“进口” ;specify指“明确”。本句承接上句,意为“西欧已接受了来自地中海各国的几百万的这种移民” 。
75. D。空格后为一从句,需一词引导,结合句意,选when引导一时间状语。句意: “当这种移民工人把他们的储蓄和所学到的技术带回国内时,发展中国家便获益颇多。”且后文有相同的句式提示。
76. C。此处bring与back搭配,表示“带回”。 bring down是“打倒, 击落, 降低”的意思。
77. A。结合句意,此处选establish(建立)与manufacturing(产业)搭配。predict表示“预测”;mention指“提到”。句意为“当西方各国利用发展中国家的廉价劳动力在那里投资建厂时,许多发展中国家也从中获益”。
78. C。take advantage of相当于make use of(利用)。challenge 表示“挑战” ;privilege表示“特权”,都不符合句意。
79. B。此处as引导一时间状语。句意为: “ 当经济发展成熟时,发展速度会渐趋稳定。”
80. D。根据常识,西方各国人口增长缓慢甚至呈负增长。population “人口”,“level off意为“趋于稳定, 变平”
81. B。承接上句,因为根据句意“这种稳定(指经济发展速度和人口增长)最终导致了一种稳定的负增长市场”, eventually“最终”,符合句意。
82. C。本句中 “set in” 指“形成”,句意 “一个饱和点形成了——科技发明似乎把连不可能的事都变成了现实,但它还能向前走多远呢?”
83. B。此处选but表转折。该句意为“技术革新似乎取得了不可能的成果,但是技术革新又能走多远呢?”
84. D。“in his book”(在他的书中)。该句意为“Herman在他的书《将来200年》中说道‘工业化国家必须转变关注的重心。’”
85. A。根据后文的 “rather”(而是)一词表明前面是被否定内容,且空格后为一倒装句,需否定词置前。
86. A。后句“It is...that...” 为强调句型。句意为“创造效益和工作机会已不再重要,我们关注的应该是生活质量的改善”。

  • shiftn. 交换,变化,移动,接班者 v. 更替,移转,变声
  • importn. 进口,进口商品,意义 v. 进口,输入
  • exchangen. 交换,兑换,交易所 v. 交换,兑换,交易
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • rangen. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列 v. 排列,归类于
  • matureadj. 成熟的,(保单)到期的,考虑周到的 v. 成熟
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • specifyv. 指定,阐述,详细说明
  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • staticadj. 静态的,静力的,静止的,静电的 n. 静电,静