日期:2009-02-23 13:58


11. One of the pressing problema facing our nation ( China ) today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels .

12. One of the most serious problems many people talk about centers on the lack of adequate housing space .

13. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption , which is pervasive in all levels of government .

14. Inflation is yet another new and bitter truth we must learn to face .

15. The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated .

16. There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection .

17. There has been a dramatic increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in recent years , with a new study projecting that the dreaded disease will affect over 30 million people worldwide by the year 2005 .

18. Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with their indefatigable desire .

19. Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being .

20. Never before in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now .

  • involvevt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的
  • awarenessn. 认识,意识,了解
  • controversialadj. 引起争论的,有争议的
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • pervasiveadj. 普遍的,蔓延的,渗透的
  • adequateadj. 足够的,适当的,能胜任的
  • pressingadj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词
  • ruraladj. 农村的
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传