What advice do we have for new grads now, or for anyone who wants to succeed at a big company?
First, you have to outwork everyone else. If you don't, talent will not help you. In this difficult job market, new grads may even have to work for free for a little while, in order to get a foot in the door. Find somewhere you really want to work and prove yourself by working hard and doing a great job, and I guarantee you that they will find a way to hire you and pay you.
I would also recommend reading a lot. Read everything you can get your hands on, because you'll always learn something you can use. One thing that helped me early on was a little book called It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be [by British ad man Paul Arden]. It's really for salespeople, but you can apply a lot of the wisdom in it to yourself. I still pick it up and read it now and then.
Third, find a mentor who will be honest with you about your shortcomings and show you your blind spots, because everyone has them. If you walk through my old neighborhood in the South Bronx even today, half the men have these big mustaches, so I just never thought twice about it until my "mom" told me to get rid of it.
What does Deloitte look for in hiring new grads?
Altogether, we hire about 18,000 people each year, about half new grads and half experienced professionals, and we go through about 500,000 resumes and applications every year to find those 18,000. Beyond the basic credentials and competencies, we're looking for people who stand out. If you are a passionate person, that will stand out. If you are positive and enthusiastic and other people want to be around you, that will stand out.
And do you finish what you start? It sounds basic, but so many people start out strong on something and then don't follow through. We also look for people who care about people. Those qualities are the difference-makers, and they will always be the difference-makers, between an okay candidate and a great candidate.