Tell me exactly what might be the “gray rhinos” we are facing today.
Well I always tell people that perspective is important and of course I look at things from a big global macro point of view.
So people should take what I say and then think specifically about how it relates to their own situation because they're going to see that way better than I do.
But on the global macro level there are three big things that I see.
One is these financial fragilities, a debt overhangs, the effects of the popping of a very very large asset bubble because of very low monetary policy, very very loose monetary policy for so long and corporate debts and bank instability.
Now we're starting to see all of these come together.
These things that I've been talking about for some time that we're just delayed by the the pandemic.
Along with that is climate change which also has a very big financial impact for insurance companies whether they're capitalized enough, for the extreme weather that we're seeing how municipalities and governments are going to pay both for the damages but also for the zero carbon transition.
And I've been talking for quite some time about inequality.
And it relates to both of those, but now it's the inequality I think is has really morphed into a new form by sparking a lot of populism and often domestic problems spill over into international tensions.
Because the oldest political trick in the book is to say okay we're going to blame the immigrants, we're going to blame the other countries.
And we see so much of that in the United States right now with the political instability that we're having with the all of the economic problems that we've had.
And so for me even geopolitical tensions have risen above inequality, even though they're partly caused by it.
And I'm quite concerned about that so all three of these come together in a crash a a group of “gray rhinos” that make each of the others even more powerful than it would be on its own.
China has been practicing what it calls as an internal circulation external circulation, what is your understanding of the logic behind this.
Well I think dual circulation recognizes the growing capacity within China for being a consumption-driven economy not just investment.