This special performance at the opening ceremony set the tone for the exhibition.
A celebration of the rich and diverse cultures along the ancient Silk Road.
By mixing traditional Chinese music with melodies of the ancient trade route, performers created harmony out of different tunes.
The exhibition has gathered a total of 193 artworks by artists from 112 countries ranging from traditional Chinese painting, oil paintings, sculptures and digital representations.
Works on display cover the National Art Museum of China's Silk Road themed collections, specially commissioned works by 12 renowned artists and works by artists from the Belt and Road countries inspired by their trips in China.
The Belt and Road initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, aims to build trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia with Europe.
This exhibition offers a look into the cultural sector.
Since 2009, we've been inviting artists from across the world to come here to China to help with their artistic creations.
And through their artworks, you can see representations of their own cultures but also China's diverse and profound cultures.
The number of participating countries is unprecedented.
The paintings here are filled with strong and warm emotions which enables people from different countries and regions to really feel the grand and profound charm of the Silk Road.
And with this multimedia and interactive design, the exhibition also shows the backstories of the artworks, offering visitors an immersive experience.
One of the examples is Lebanese painter Nizar Daher's depiction of Mount Huang in China.
He's found inspiration from the Chinese landscape many times.
The painting is now included in the National Art Museum of China's proud collection with the stamp featuring the painting issued in the artist's home country.
There's a lot more interactive display of those pictures, like I saw one of the pictures which shows four seasons that's the way the future of the art and technology.
So along the Silk Road there are so many interesting things which are happening.
We see quite a lot of interesting examples here.
One of the examples which caught my attention is a portrait of a lady from Macau.
It looks very interesting how other cultures view Chinese culture as well and their own ideas at the same time.
The exhibition runs until August 25th.