日期:2009-08-17 09:33


1.他正在通话。 He is on the phone.
2.这个电话不通。 This telephone line is interrupted.
3.电话串线了。 The wire has got crossed.
4.请问是谁打来的? Who is speaking?
5.恐怕你打错号码了。 I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
6.打265-5822. Ill calling 265-5822.
7.请挂电话。 Please ring off.
8.我回电话给你。 Ill call you back.
9.让我在电话中和她讲些话。 Let me talk to her over the phone.
10.请你叫沈小姐来接电话好吗? Would you call Miss Shen to the telephone?
