BEC商务考试中多设计商务背景,有专家建议可以精读 The Ecomomists这样的英语杂志,这样对完形填空和改错都很有帮助。
The world economy
Buckle down
Recovery from the recession, when it comes, will be slow and painful
IS THE worst over for the world economy? In recent weeks financial markets have latched on to the “green-shoots” thesis, rising smartly as an array of statistics turned out to be less dire than expected. Policymakers, too, have begun to sound less pessimistic. On April 14th both America’s president, Barack Obama, and its central-bank boss, Ben Bernanke, pointed to signs of progress in stabilising the world’s biggest economy.
Optimism may be fashionable, but there are plenty of reasons to fear it is premature. The upbeat thesis focuses on firms and their inventories. The global economy slumped at the end of 2008 in part because firms slashed production even faster than demand fell. Now that the stockpiles have shrunk, output should stop slumping. This may be happening. Forward-looking surveys of manufacturers have improved.
The danger, however, is that too much emphasis on the stock cycle misses the underlying characteristics of this downturn. This is mainly a balance-sheet recession precipitated by a financial crisis. And it is a downturn that it is unusually synchronised around the globe.
As an analysis in the IMF’s new World Economic Outlook makes clear, each of these characteristics points to a deep recession and a weak recovery. The fund’s economists examine 122 recessions in rich economies since 1960. They find that in the aftermath of a financial bust, private investment tends to fall even after the downturn reaches its trough, whereas private consumption grows more slowly than in other recoveries. Recoveries from globally synchronised recessions take 50% longer than other recoveries.
Some green shoots are already wilting. America’s retail sales fell in March. And dark shadows are looming, particularly the spectre of deflation. America’s consumer prices fell by 0.4% in the year to March, the first annual decline since 1955 (see chart). Consumer prices are once again falling in Japan and are barely rising in the euro area.
No one doubts that a prolonged period of deflation would pose grave dangers. Falling prices would raise the real burden of debts. The prospect of lower prices would weaken demand. But optimists still regard that risk as remote. Today’s deflation, they argue, is nothing more than the temporary consequence of falling fuel costs. Exclude food and fuel and America’s core consumer prices are still rising at 1.8%, within the central bankers’ ideal range and well above the lows reached during America’s last deflation scare in 2002.
This sanguine attitude has evidence to support it. Not only have central bankers opened the monetary floodgates, but American consumers’ expectations for future inflation have barely changed in recent months. Still, there are reasons to fret. Consumer surveys suggest the share of people who expect their incomes to decline is the highest on record. Wholesale-price figures suggest that prices other than energy are falling further down the supply chain. The share of small businesses in America that are cutting workers’ wages has doubled. The Fed’s latest “Beige Book” report on economic conditions suggested downward pressure on prices and wages. Things could yet get a lot grimmer.