Preparing for BEC Vantage Reading
Candidates should
1.pay attention to the complete meaning of the sentences in Part1
2.read the whole text in Part2 and try to predict what kind of information is missing from each of the gaps, as working on the extracts before reading the base text is potentially confusing
3.look very carefully at the pronouns that occur in the extracts in Part2. They must refer correctly to the nouns that precede and /or follow the gap in the base text.
4.regularly review their choices in Part2. As they work through the task, a difficulty in finding a particular extract may indicate that they have already used it incorrectly for an earlier gap. Always leave enough time to double check answers against the text.
5.pay attention to the general theme of the paragraphs in Part3
6.read the text and questions very carefully in Part3. Remember that the options A-D in the question may say something very similar, but not the same, in meaning as the text.
7.read the question or stem very carefully in Part3. It may be that all of the options occur in the text but only one of them is correct with a particular stem or question.
8.keep vocabulary lists and try to make use of words that are new. This will be particularly useful for Part4要背诵词汇表,尤其要注意那些新词。这对于完成第四部分来说特别有用。
9.look carefully at the sentences in Part5. Is the word chosen followed by a certain preposition or grammatical structure? Does it collocate with the surrounding words?
10.remember that the extra word in Part5 has to be grammatically wrong and not just superfluous
11.write the whole word in Part5 in capital letters and not a mixture of lower and upper case