Woman: And is it normally easy to find a consultant who takes an approach you like?
Man: Not always. Mind you, in recent years, we've seen a lot more agencies coming up.
男:不总是这样 。请注意,近年来,我们看到越来越多的机构出现 。
This means you have a lot more choice. The agencies are focusing more on specific areas, they're offering more tailor-made services.
这意味着你有更多的选择 。这些机构更注重具体领域,他们提供更多量身定制的服务 。
They haven't got any cheaper, but what they offer is more relevant.
价格不会更便宜,但他们提供的信息更具有相关性 。
Woman: So that's good news?
Man: Yes, very much so - and it's to everyone's benefit.
男:是的,非常好,这对每个人都有好处 。
Woman: Now, how long would you say a consultancy lasts?
Man: How long is a piece of string?
Some consultancy projects take many months and may even stretch into years. But these are rarities.
一些咨询项目耗时数月,甚至可能持续数年 。
Mostly a consultancy project will last anything up to six months.
但这些都不常见 。大多数情况下,咨询项目会持续六个月 。
It could take days or weeks. Good consultants leave their clients as early as possible to ensure that the client does not become dependent on the consultant.
可能需要数天或数周 。优秀的顾问会尽早离开客户,以确保客户不依赖顾问 。
Woman: Right. And how can you choose, identify a good consultant?
Man: It's not easy. Don't just buy big projects.
男:这不是很容易 。不要只购买大项目 。
There is the temptation for executives to believe that consultants hold the answers to all known problems.
高管们会认为顾问们掌握了所有已知问题的答案 。
Call them in and they will sort it out.
给他们打个电话,他们就能解决 。
Instead, it's important to know what you want and talk to a number of firms to see which best fits your needs.
其实,重要的是要知道你想要什么,还要与许多公司交谈,看看哪一家最适合你的需求 。