从一开始我就参与这个计划。 Ive been part of this project since its beginning.
我叫克里夫敦,从一开始我就参与了这项计划。 I'm Clifton, and Ive been associated with this project since the beginning.
请看第一幅图表的数据。 Please look at the data of this first chart.
数据证实此种产品安全有效。 The data confirm that this product is safe and effective.
正如你在这张图片上所看到的,同风格的这种旧型产品非常流行,我们保留了它。 As you can see in this photo, weve retained the same style which was so popular in this old model.
现在我们正在做一些改进,使皮质变得坚韧而不致有皱纹,变干或产生磨损。 Now, were doing something new making skin strong enough that it doesnt wrinkle, become dry, or develop blemishes.
这种X2500型的特点就是减少输入时间,使资料更为顺畅。 The X2500 has the unique feature of providing better data flow with less input time.
与旧型机比较我们的新型价格便宜且更容易操作。 Compared to the previous model, our new model is less expensive and easier to use.
有各种大小型号,在便利商店和百货公司均有。 Its available in a variety of sizes at convenience stores and department stores as well.
这是一种革命性的新产品。 This is a revolutionary new product.
X2500将会改变你在办公室的工作。 The X2500 will change your work in the office.
我们现在有五种不同的型号供你选择。 We now have five different models to choose from.