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日期:2014-04-10 16:42


1月11日在北航参加的考试,由于一直比较忙,单词也没有背完,中间还有各种事情耽误了复习,新东方的老师说至少要准备1000个小时,感觉自己考得比较仓促,就当试水吧,遇到的是QVQVQ, 阅读基本ok,主要是填空的问题,单词背的太少是硬伤啊!!最终只考了146+163,果然一份耕耘一份收货,木有耕耘自然木有收获。。。离自己的理想还差很远,下次继续加油吧。


  Issue考的是Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.

  Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.


  The following is are commendation from the Board of Directors of MonarchBooks."We recommend that Monarch Books open a café in its store. Monarch, having been in business at the same location for more than twenty years, has a large customer base because it is known for its wide selection of books on all subjects. Clearly, opening the café would attract more customers. Space could be made for the café by discontinuing the children's book section, which will probably become less popular given that the most recent national census indicated a significant decline in the percentage of the population under age ten. Opening a café will allow Monarch to attract more customers and better compete with Regal Books, which recently opened its own café."

  阅读有一个深海的鱼的眼睛lense可以过滤蓝光的题目。讲的是光线在透过海水时,会被过滤掉不少可见光。在1000米深的海水处,剩下的主要是蓝光了。有一些生活在这种深度的鱼,它们的角膜能过滤掉(lenses tinted)蓝光,并且这是一种生存优势的体现。请选择一个最能支持以上论点的选项:

  A.这些鱼主要捕食生活在它们上层水域的动物,并且它们是靠那些动物在水中产生的阴影( SHADOW)来发现猎物。




  6. Honey bee 的 fungal 新题

  Ingestion of food containing spores of the pathogen Ascosphaera apis causes a fatal fungal disease

  known as chalk brood in honeybee larvae. However, larvae must be chilled to about 30°C (normal

  brood-comb temperature is 33-36°C) for the disease to develop. Accordingly, chalk brood is most

  common in spring and in small colonies. A recent study revealed that honeybees responsible for

  hive-temperature maintenance purposely raised the hives’ temperature when colonies were inoculated

  with A.apis this “fever,” or up-regulation of temperature, occurred before any larvae died, suggesting

  that the response is preventative and that either honeybee workers detect the infection before symptoms

  are visible or larvae communicate the ingestion of the pathogen. Temperature returned to normal by the

  end of the study, suggesting that increased temperature is not optimal when broods are not infected, as

  well as that the fever does not result merely from normal colony growth (i.e., an increase in the number

  of workers available for temperature maintenance).

  6.1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

  (A) discuss the findings and implications of a particular study

  (B) illustrate a process that formerly had been misunderstood

  (C) outline the methods used to investigate a problem

  (D) provide evidence to support a controversial theory

  (E) contrast alternative interpretations of certain date

  6.2. According to the passage, researchers concluded that fever in honeybee coloniesis preventative

  because their study showed that such fever

  (A) does not occur when hive temperatures are within normal range

  (B) protests adult bees from contracting chalk brood infection

  (C) occurs prior to the death of any larvae

  (D) is more likely to occur in spring than in summer

  (E) does not have an effect on uninfected broods

  6.3. The passage implies that if hive temperature had not returned to normal by the end of the study in

  question, a probable conclusion of the researchers would have been that

  (A) up-regulation of temperature is a preventative measure against chalkbrood

  (B) honeybees are incapable of purposely raising hive temperatures

  (C) A. apis cannot be completely eradicated throughup-regulation of temperature along

  (D) honeybee larvae have a mechanism to alert adult honeybees to the presenceof A. apis

  (E) honeybee larvae may benefit from increased hive temperature even when there is no A. apis present

  6.4. According to the passage, which of the following is true of chalk brood infection among honeybee

  larvae ?

  (A) Larvae in small colonies are more likely to pass the infection to adult honeybees than are larvae in

  large ones.

  (B) Infection with chalk brood induces larvae to raise their hive’s temperature.

  (C) The infection is more likely to affect larvae in winter than in spring.

  (D) Larvae fail to develop symptoms of the disease when their brood –comb temperature remains

  within the normal range.

  (E) Infected larvae exhibit visible symptoms of disease for a significant time before death.






  There are 30 pencils(6 sets of 5 different colors). A man is taking out pencils one by one blindfoldedly. How many pencils does he need to pick up so that he is gauranteed to have 2 pencils of each color?

  A) 24

  B) 12

  C) 10

  D) 14

  E) 26


  E. 26

  worst case:

  4*6 +2 = 26



  另外一道题:x和y是positive integer x^2+y^2为even,多选题:问一下哪些是even:





  • temperaturen. 温度,气温,体温,发烧
  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • monarchn. 帝王,统治者,元首/nn. 君王斑点蝶
  • prioradj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的 adv. 居先,在前
  • controversialadj. 引起争论的,有争议的
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • misunderstoodadj. 被误解的 v. 误解,误会(misunders
  • colonyn. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • communicatev. 交流,传达,沟通