日期:2022-11-02 10:10




今天的Buzzword 就想跟大家聊聊沉重但有用的话题-Crowd Crush.

Now I know a lot of people are still in shock about the tragic incidents that happened in Seoul a few days ago.

其实关于Crowd Crush, 酒馆其实第一时间就已经做了一个短视频, 但是短视频的篇幅实在有限, 很多事情都没有办法具体讲。

So I thought I would devote this buzzword episode to the concept of Crowd Crush.

Again, we're not a news podcast, we're not gonna comment on news.

Instead, we're gonna focus on sharing information, information that hopefully you will find useful should you ever find yourself in a dangerously dense crowd.

Crowd Crush

Crowd collapses and crushes are catastrophic incidents that can occur when a body of people becomes dangerously overcrowded.

Crowd Crush是由于人群的密度过大所导致的灾难性事件。如果你没有经历过那种过密的人群, 可能很难想象。

At this extreme density, a crowd can start to act like fluid, sweeping individuals around without their volition.

人群密度特别大的时候, 一个人群的流动形式就很像液体, 就好像是你在海水里, 浪打过来的时候, 你基本没有办法对自己的身体有任何的控制。

Such incidents can occur at large gatherings such as sporting, commercial, social, and religious events.

It can happen for all sorts of reasons. And a critical factor is crowd density rather than crowd size.

造成这种Crowd Crush它的重点是人群密度, 而不是总人数。


中文里惯常会叫做 “踩踏事件”, 但英语里相关的事件你会看到三个不同的词:

The first one is Crowd Collapse, 这个是指人群密度特别大, 所有的人都紧紧地挤在一起的时候。

If a person falls, the support to those around is lost, while the pressure from those further out remains, causing people to fall into the void.

一个人倒下, 本来塞得满满的人群中间就会出现一个void空洞, 这个时候后面的人也会掉进空洞, causing a bigger void.

And people who have fallen are at risk of being smothered by the weight of bodies on top, or be trampled.


The second expression is Crowd Crush or Crowd Surge. 直译是拥挤或者挤压。

It literally means when a moving crowd is funneled into a smaller and smaller space, or when it meets an obstacle.

人群在不断的挤向越来越狭小的空间, 或者是前面遇到障碍物, 而后面进来的人完全不知道前面发生了什么样的事情;


And the 3rd expression is Crowd Stampede. This is usually used for animals that are fleeing a threat.

本来它是指兽群受到惊吓而四散奔逃这样的一个情况, 更多用来形容人群都在逃离某一个事物, 而在这中间造成了踩踏事故。

So this time the event in Seoul can be described as a crowd crush or surge, not really a stampede;

Because a stampede implies that people had space to run, which was not the case this time.


其实也可能是因为中文里我们会说踩踏事故, so many people have this false perception that people who sadly lost their lives in crowd crushes died from being trampled.

But actually, many people who die in crowd events aren't killed by trampling or stampede;

some people struggle to breathe and lose consciousness when they are still standing up.

A common cause of death in crowd disasters is compression asphyxia which I talked about in the video as well.

其实很多遇难者都并不是因为真正被踩踏, 而是Compression Asphyxia 压迫性窒息。

This can happen to people who are actually still standing up.

When you're packed in so tightly, your lungs can't expand inside your chest, and it only takes about 30 seconds for you to lose consciousness;

and it takes about 6 minutes of pressure to go into compressive or restrictive asphyxia.

即使能完全保持站立姿势, 但由于四面的压力实在太大, 胸腔不能起伏, 失去意识可能只需要30秒, 而6分钟左右就可能导致压迫性窒息.

When it comes to big crowd events, it is essential for the government, the police force, and all these relevant authorities to have effective crowd control/ traffic control policies.


But what can we do and what should we do if we are stuck in a potential crowd crush?

First things first, we need to be aware of the crowd density.


If we find it difficult to even move our hands, then it is already potentially very risky. If you can get out, you should get out.

And once the crowd stops moving, your priorities should be to stay on your feet.


Keep your arms from being pinned by your side.


Put them in front of you, protect your chest and conserve oxygen.

这几天短视频平台有很多的专业人士也在教大家如何用虎口卡住对侧腋窝, 创造出自己的一个安全三角区域。


It's important to keep your feet in a boxer-like stance, with feet apart, one foot in front of the other and knees slightly bent.

很多的专家都会告诉你, 尽量保持一个拳击手准备出拳的状态, 两脚稍微分开, 膝盖稍微弯曲, 这样可以保证你站得更牢固, 不会摔倒。

Arms in front of you, and go with the flow, 不要尝试逆行.

And with your elbows as a brace against other bodies, this will help protect your chest and maintain a breathing zone.


In this kind of crowd crush, shouting is a waste of energy and oxygen. Stay calm and keep your head up for maximum air.

If you drop your phone or any other item, let it go. Once you bend down to pick something up, you’re unlikely to get back up.

这个时候掉任何的东西都不要尝试弯腰去捡, 因为你下去了就很有可能起不来.

And if you fall or trip, try your best to get on your feet;

but if you can't, your odds of surviving are best if you go into a fetal position on your left side and protect your head and your side.

一旦摔倒而且又站不起来的情况下, 尽量采取左侧侧卧位, 把自己蜷缩成一个胎儿的姿势, 尽量的用手保护你的头部和侧腰部.

You're most vulnerable if you're on your back.


Now the question people sometimes ask is, is it safe to help others during a crowd crush if you're already struggling yourself?

可能有人就会说自身都难保了, 怎么可能还去帮助别人. 这个时候其实专家建议的帮助别人并不是说让你慈悲心肠。

It's because your chances of survival improves if those around you also stay on their feet.

更重要的是因为如果你周围的人都能够保持直立, 其实会给你更多生的希望.

When one person falls, it can trigger a dangerous crowd collapse, essentially a domino effect.

因为一旦你周围有人摔倒, 很有可能就会出现我们开始说的 crowd collapse会产生多米诺骨牌的效应, and people will start to fall onto each other.

So if someone around you trips or falls, do your best to help them up, it might not just help their chances, but your chances as well.

According to experts, a crowd crush isn't a battle. It's in everyone's interest, for very one to make it out a life.

Now let's move on to sample sentence.


Example 1:

-Being ghosted in a relationship means that you will never get a closure.
