So, let's start with Chris, because, as you said, he's this really magnetic figure and seemed to have a massive role in why the first warehouse was successful when it came to unionizing.
Can you tell me a bit about who he is and how he got involved?
Yeah. So, he was an Amazon worker. He'd been with the company almost five years.
Right around the beginning of COVID, there started to be some COVID cases in his warehouse, and he led a protest, a walkout that garnered some media attention and that upset Amazon and led Amazon to fire him.
And, so, after that, he essentially spent a year on a crusade, staging protests outside Jeff Bezos' mansions.
Our streets! Our streets! Our streets! Our streets! Our streets! Our streets! Our streets!
And then, eventually, they ran out of mansions, and Chris set up outside the bus stop and just decided to organize a union on his own.
And I think he thought he could do it better than established unions could, that he understood the workers better, that he understood their needs.
So he just -- He and and a bunch of his friends who had traveled with him to Bezos' mansions decided they were going to do this on their own.
And, I mean, I can imagine that Chris is up against a lot.
You know, Amazon is this giant company. It's very powerful.
So can you just walk me through the way Amazon has addressed unions in the past and what their tactics have been?
Sure. So, Amazon is is fervently anti-union.
I don't think they want their workers to be unionized, in part because they cycle through people exceedingly fast.
So, you know, the turnover in the Staten Island warehouse where Chris was fired is 100% to 150% a year. And to have that kind of --
Yeah. So, the entire workforce is turning over every eight months.
You know, the turnover in those facilities is intentional, I think, in part because they don't have to continue to give people raises over time.
After five years, Amazon will essentially buy you out if you're an hourly worker, give you a lump sum never to work for Amazon again.
So this is not a long-term relationship that they're trying to build with their workforces, and that makes it really hard to unionize.
So Chris had that against him. He also had a -- You know, it's a trillion-dollar company. He had no money.
They were going to hire big law firms.
They were going to hire anti-union consultants to come in and talk to the workers and convince them not to unionize. They were going to go after him.
So he had a lot of disadvantages.