021 赶制一个大项目
日期:2022-04-19 17:02



Coco: Hey Tom. Are you working late again?

Coco: 你又在加班啦?

Tom: Yeah, Coco. I have a big project I'm working on.

Tom: 是啊,Coco,我有一个大的项目在进行。

Coco: How's it going?

Coco: 进行的怎么样了?

Tom: Not well. We keep running into problems with the client.


Coco: What kind of problems?

Coco: 什么样的问题呢?

Tom: The client either doesn't like our designs or keeps changing his mind. It's very frustrating.

Tom: 客户要么就是不喜欢我们的设计,要么就在不停的变想法,真的很令人沮丧。

Coco: That can be very annoying.

Coco: 确实很惹人怒呀。

Tom: It is. So, my group has to start over each time. It's such a waste of time and money.

Tom: 是的,所以我们组每次都得重新开始,真的是费钱费时间。

Coco: When is the deadline?


Tom: In two weeks. I don't know how we're going to make it.


Coco: Where's the rest of your group?

Coco: 你们组其他人呢?

Tom: They went to eat. I told them to go. They're going to bring me back some dinner.

Tom: 他们去吃饭了,我让他们去了,他们要给我带点吃点回来。

Coco: That's good. What are you going to do after your deadline is over?

Coco: 那挺好,那你们这个项目截止以后你打算干什么?

Tom: Go on a long vacation.

Tom: 去度假。

Coco: Good for you!

Coco: 那真的挺好的!

Tom: Well, I better get back to work. See you in the morning.

Tom: 好的,我得回去工作了,明早见。


1.Work late


例: I have so much work to do so I have to work late tonight.


2.Run into problems 遇到问题

例: Where do they run into problems?


3.Change one’s mind 改变想法

例:I changed my mind about the dress I bought yesterday.

4.Frustrating and annoying

Frustrating 令人懊恼的,令人沮丧的

adj. discouraging by hindering

例:The current situation is very frustrating for us.




adj.causing irritation or annoyance

例:You must have found my attitude annoying.


4. Deadline 最后期限

n. the point in time at which something must be completed

5.Make it 达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程

succeed in a big way; get to the top

Can you make it to Leia’s birthday party on Saturday?

你能赶上周六Leia 的生日派对吗?
