日期:2021-12-16 18:20




This refers to the idea that when objects trying to resemble humans aren't quite perfect, they can make viewers feel uneasy because they fall somewhere between obviously non-human and fully human.


第一步 简单划分句子成分,进行初步断句

This refers to/ the idea /that when objects trying to resemble humans/ aren't quite perfect, they can /make viewers feel uneasy/ because they fall/ somewhere between obviously non-human and fully human.

第二步 抓主语以及动词,确定代词指代的内容

This refers to/ the idea /that when objects trying to resemble humans/ aren't quite perfect, they can /make viewers feel uneasy/ because they fall/ somewhere between obviously non-human and fully human.

确定基本句型是一个宾语从句 This refers to the idea. 这指的是这一个想法。

后面展开idea的详细内容 从句里主语是objects;后面they也都是代词代指objects

然后按照顺序我们来看一下 谓语动词和动词短语

trying to resemble humans试图与人类相像

can make views feel uneasy 会使观众感到不适

fall somewhere between A and B 介于两者之间



1. resemble v. 像 类似

She resembles her father in so many ways, such as appearance, personality, living habits and so on.

2. refer to v.参考 谈及 提到

Please refer to the notes below when you are reading this passage.

It is unwise to refer to the rising unemployment rate in your election speech.

3. obvious adj. 明显的

Among all the candidates, she has an obvious advantage.

