Mid-Autumn Festival, in Chinese "zhong qiu jie," is the second-most important festival in China after the Chinese New Year.
Mid-AutumnFestival,中文是“中秋节”,是继农历新年之后中国第二重要的节日 。
It's also known as the Moon Festival or the Mooncake Festival.
它也被叫做月亮节,或者是月饼节 。
Mid-Autumn Festival takes place annually on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese lunar calendar.
中秋节定在每年的农历八月十五日 。
In 2021, it falls on Sep.21.
2021年,中秋节的阳历日期为9月21日 。
China will have a 3-day holiday from Sep.19 to Sep. 21.
9月19日至9月21日,中国将会放假调休,共3天 。
The Mid-Autumn Festival has a long history of over 3,000 years.
中秋节有着3000多年的悠久历史 。
It originated from the moon worship from the Pre-Qin Period.
它是由先秦时期的“祭月”而来 。
The term "zhong qiu" first appeared in the Confucian classic Rites of Zhou, written between the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.
“中秋”一词现存文字记载最早见于汉代文献,成书于两汉之间的《周礼》 。
The Mid-Autumn Festival became an official national holiday in the Tang Dynasty.
中秋节大约是在唐代成为官方认定的全国性节日 。
At that time, the Festival was popular in northern China.
唐代时,中秋风俗在我国北方已流行 。
People admired the moon, and many poets wrote poems about it.
人们会在此期间赏月,许多诗人的名篇中都有咏月的诗句 。
In the Northern Song Dynasty, the 15th day of the 8th lunar month was established as the Mid-Autumn Festival. It became a popular folk festival.
北宋时期,正式定阴历八月十五为中秋节 。这个节日也就成为了普遍的民俗节日 。
The term mooncake first appeared in the Southern Song Dynasty.
月饼一词最早出现于南宋 。
During the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, Mid-Autumn Festival has become one of the major Chinese folk festivals.
在明朝和清朝时期,中秋已成为中国民间的主要节日之一 。
Since the Ming Dynasty, mooncakes were only eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
自明代起,月饼就只限于中秋节服用了 。
The Mooncake Festival became a Public Holiday in 2008.
2008年开始,中秋节成为了法定节假日 。
The legends of the Mid-Autumn Festival are rich, the Jade Rabbit pounding herbal medicine, Wu Gang Cuts the Ostmasths Tree, and other mythical stories are widely spread.
中秋节有着各种各样的的传说,比如玉兔捣药、吴刚伐桂以及其他广为流传的故事 。
The most famous one is Chang'e flying to the moon.
其中最著名的要数嫦娥奔月 。
Chang'e swallowed an elixir of immortality and flew to the moon with her rabbit.
吞下长生不老药后,嫦娥带着她的兔子飞向了月亮 。
Her husband Hou Yi felt very sad.
她的丈夫后羿非常难过 。
He displayed the fruits and cakes Chang'e liked in the yard, and reunited with Chang'e in this way on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every year.
于是每年农历八月初五,他会在院子里摆放嫦娥喜欢的水果和糕点,以这一的方式与嫦娥团聚 。
By the way, this is how the name of China's lunar exploration project came about, Chang'e Project and the Jade Rabbit Moon Rover.
顺便说一句,这就是中国探月工程名称的由来--嫦娥探月工程和玉兔月球车 。
In ancient times, the Mooncake Festival was a time for a family reunion, which is the main reason why the festival is so important.
在古代,中秋节是一家人团聚的日子,这就是这个节日如此重要的主要原因 。
It's also a time for people to pray for a good harvest and happiness.
同时,这也是人们祈求丰收和期盼幸福的时候 。
Nowadays, people mainly celebrate it as a time for family reunions.
而如今,人们主要把它作为家庭团聚的日子 。