日期:2021-05-14 16:23





Those potential repercussions — on everything from individual health to poverty, crime and violence, which have previously been associated with the density of alcohol sellers in a given area — will take time to unfold and assess. Right now, most of the data available on people's changes in drinking behavior are limited to small surveys. "This all suggests people are starting to put in place patterns of heavier drinking," says Elyse Grossman, a policy fellow at Johns Hopkins and lead author of the International Journal article. She expects to start seeing the effects one to three years from now, which is when alcohol abuse increased following other catastrophes. (Already cases of alcoholic liver disease are up an estimated 30 percent over the past year in the University of Michigan's health system, and many of those additional patients were young women.)
Yet despite the worrying circumstances, at least 20 states are considering making permanent the relaxed alcohol rules they put in place during the pandemic. And alcohol manufacturers have exploited Covid-19 as a marketing tool to an extent that is "frustrating and surprising," Grossman says. "They have used the pandemic to increase sales and oppose regulation. 'You need time to yourself; you should be drinking. You need alcohol to relax; you need it to get through this pandemic.'" She adds: "It's not an ordinary product, like coffee or pencils. It's the third-leading cause of preventable death in the United States."




On a population level, this past year's drinking has already set in motion a cascade of consequences that would be difficult to reverse absent major policy changes. But individuals can take steps to avoid negative outcomes themselves. Koob says that the emergence of telehealth during the pandemic may be a "silver lining" that will allow physicians and support groups to reach more struggling people. Treatments exist on "a spectrum," he notes. "Not everyone has to go into a 28-day detox." Doctors and health officials should begin responding now, with initiatives like screening for people's drinking patterns and "better messaging" on what is excessive drinking, Barbosa says. "There are more people who are going to need help."







1. at least (数量)至少,不少于;
At least ten people were killed in the crash.
2. get through 度过,熬过(困难或不快的时期);
It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.
3. set in motion 开动;激活;启动;
Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy.
4. a cascade of 大量;许多;
If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.

