英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1283期:瑞秋产检前情绪暴躁
日期:2021-04-23 06:43




(1).典型的一般疑问句中,对需要强调的一个或者几个词用升调,比如这个以前Henry 用过的例句do you take credit card? 一般会在credit的第一个音节用升调。

(2).类似you got it? 这种表示疑问的句子中,在got上用升调。

(3).列举多个事物时,如I have an apple, a peach, and a banana. 会对banana之前的apple 和peach用升调。但我听很多美国人说话,升调用得非常多,远不止这三种情况,似乎比较随意。而且升调具体在单词上的哪个音节上似乎也比较随意,而不是一般只在第一个重读音节上用升调,比如我刚刚听一个节目主播的一句话中说到listener这个词,把升调放在最后一个音节ner上。我找了许久也没太找到规律,Henry老师能否系统讲一下美语中升调的使用场景以及注意点呢?灰常灰常感谢!

2、Dear京晶老师,Henry老师,您们好,我有几个关于发音的问题 想请教下老师:


(2).really这个词我发现也有两种发音,我看老友记Emily英国人好像是读 [ri: ə lei],但大部分人都是读[ri: ə li],您怎么看?

(3).英国人发water和美国人的不同,之前您说过美国人直接发 [wɔ: dər],t浊化为d。但是英国人发water的t 是 从[t] 顺滑到[s],类似于That’s it. 中间这个发音,是这样吗?我挺好奇的,谢谢老师!祝老师身体健康,万事如意。

3、老师好!上周三地道美语中“What's it look like? ”,这个what's 是what is的缩写吗?我们学生时代教科书教的语法是What does it look like?并且what does不能缩写成what's, 那这样的话,是口语中才这样用吗?(忽略语法)。谢谢老师!






Phoebe: It's interesting that you lost. Now, I forget, do you like to lose?

Monica: Now stop it! Double or nothing that she has it by tomorrow!

Phoebe: Fine! You're on! Until then, General Grant, why don't you set up camp right there.

Ross: Hey, is Rachel here? We have a doctor's appointment.

Monica: She's in the bathroom.

Ross: Rach, we gotta go.

Rachel: In a minute!

Ross: People ask me why we're not together, I just don't know what to tell them.

Rachel: All right, all right. Let's go! Oh, wait a minute. Do I have to pee again? No, I'm good.

Ross: Uh, do you wanna go change first? The doctor's keeping the officeopen late for us, but if you hurry…

Rachel: No, I'm fine.

Ross: Really? You don't think that's a little inappropriate.

Phoebe: Good, God, man, don't anger it.

Rachel: Ross, it is 100 degrees outside. For the first time in weeks, I am somewhat comfortable.

Ross: Fine! Fine! Y'know what? Whatever you want. Okay? You're the mommy.

Rachel: Oh uh pal! Don't call me mommy! It's bad enough you call your own mother that.

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、Double or nothing that she has it by tomorrow!

2、You don't think that's a little inappropriate.

3、It's bad enough you call your own mother that.

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、That can't be right.

2、It's where you put the dirty ones!

3、That's what babies do.
