英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1114期:《录音》胖女孩的瘦身梦 献给所有女生
日期:2020-03-18 08:11


1. Eggs, bacon, bagels, and croissants, her favourite meal of the day stood right in front of her; alluring her to have more, some more, a bigger portion, probably just this one day. Her hand reached out for the last croissant; “STOP” said her mind, “PLEASE” begged the nineteen-year-old heart. She could feel the tires around her waist, weighing her down, emotionally and physically. She pulled her arm back, eyeing the lush croissant, which would have been hers, only if she had not decided to follow her dream, a dream so far-fetched, which seemed nearly impossible.


2. But she wanted it, and wanted it bad: she had to realize her deepest wish, one shared with many teenage girls, to fit into the beautiful peacock green bikini. A trip had been planned, to the city of beaches, by her huge group of friends, and the trip included her. She used to sit dejected listening to her slim friends talking about the kind of clothes they had purchased, and how short each of their skirts were, and how beautiful they all looked. She wanted to be among them discussing their figures and sizes, and gain their admiration. So she decided.


3. Up and down, back and forth, her life jolted by vigorous gym sessions, her scale; her worst nightmare smiled at her happily, as it moved away from the bigger numbers, bit by bit, slow but steady. She was overjoyed, she felt it, from within, as she stood in front of the mirror, analysing her reflection, measuring her inches. She opened her wardrobe, and proudly looked at the bikini, but it wasn’t time. She removed it admiringly, stroked the fabric, and visualized herself on the shore of a beach, flaunting her curves, bikini clad.


4. Her thoughts were interrupted by the knock at her bedroom door. She heard her mother scream out for her, it was time for supper, and back she was with her bowl of assorted vegetables and her best entertainer, the television. She zapped, ate, zapped, reaching for the last lettuce leaf in her bowl, only realising her stomach craved for something extra. It frustrated her that she wanted to feast on her favourite fried chicken, mashed potatoes, Oreo biscuits or additional helpings of Hazelnut Choco spread.


5. She had been through this a dozen times, but this time it was different, she wanted to be someone else, someone popular, and someone that made heads turn. She had to compromise, and so she did, with a little reluctance once in a while, but a whole new chapter of determination. She wanted to be the topic of harmless gossip among the ones in school; she wanted to be out dating on Saturdays, partying on Sundays, shopping in skimpy outfits, which she had dreaded to wear till now.



6. Weeks passed, her patience started to die away, she once in a while treated herself with an ice cream, the fat was stubborn and refused to melt fast, but over time it did. No matter how less she ate, she still looked awfully plump, which annoyed her and she was ready to call it quits. She sat on her fluffy bed and wept an entire evening, ignoring her dinner. Her tears dried up, leaving her cheeks cold, she lay down on her bed staring at the ceiling, letting random thoughts pass by her mind. She hadn’t realised but her bedroom was hot and stuffy, she leapt out of her bed to open the windows.


7. The wind blew into her round pale face. She stared outside her window, and watched a mother treading along the footpath along with her son. The boy would have easily been older than twelve, the woman looked very familiar; maybe she was someone from her apartment. She watched closely as the son held on to his mother’s saree and plodded along with her. His head bent, in an awkward gait, made him look a bit abnormal. She closely watched them enter the apartment; they stopped to talk to another mother, who also had a teenage son but a much more normal looking one. Standing near the window on the ground floor and only a few meters away from them, she could overhear their conversations. The usual small talk, recipe exchange, and the latest saree in fashion, bored her and as she stepped away from the window, she heard one of the lady say something about a special school.


8. She immediately turned towards them again and observed the mother of the abnormal son. On the contrary, her face blossomed and she began raving about her son’s painting skills, and his ability to play the guitar even without learning. The woman added; “My child is special, and every child is a gift. It doesn’t matter what’s on the outside, inner self is what matters.


9. Standing in her bedroom, through the window she gazed at the boy playing with a Rubik’s cube, his tongue curving at each turn of the cube and his eyes fixed on the colourful object. She ran to her closet and saw the beautiful looking bikini. She took one last look at it and stuffed it inside the top shelf. She looked at herself in the mirror and, her flesh noticeably bulging out from her denim, and her belly sagging down. She met her eyes’ reflection and said the words aloud, “I am a beautiful person.” She smiled at herself and looked around her bedroom, her space where she became what she was; where ideas, thoughts, desires and hopes were given birth to, and where she found her true self.

她站在自己的卧室里,透过窗户凝视着那个正玩着魔方的男孩。魔方每转动一下,他的舌头都会卷曲一下,但他的双眼始终没有离开过他手中那五彩缤纷的物体。她跑到衣橱旁,看着那件漂亮的比基尼。她最后看了它一眼,然后把它塞进了顶层架子里。她看着镜子里的自己,她身上的肥肉非常明显地从牛仔布下鼓了出来,腹部松弛地下垂着。她的眼神与镜子中她自己的眼神相遇了,她大声说:“我是个美女。” 她对着镜子中的自己露出了微笑,然后环顾了下自己的卧室——就是在这里,她变成了现在的样子;就是在这里,孕育了她的观念、思想、欲望,还有希望;也就是在这里,她找到了真实的自我。
