Voice 1: It was usual for people to make their own salt. People also bought locally produced salt. It did not cost a lot of money. The British government made it illegal for people in India to make their own salt. The government forced people to buy government approved and taxed salt. They punished people who did not follow the salt laws. The police would take people's salt away. Police would even put people in jail for up to six months for breaking the salt laws.
声音1:人们通常自己做盐 。人们还购买当地生产的盐 。这不会花很多钱 。英国政府规定印度人民自制盐是非法的 。政府强迫人们购买政府批准并征税的盐 。他们会惩罚不遵守盐法的人 。警察会没收人们的盐 。警察甚至会以违反盐业法为由将人们关进监狱长达半年之久 。
Voice 2: Mohandas Gandhi did not think that this tax was fair. He wanted India to be its own country. He did not want to be ruled by the British government any longer. But Gandhi did not want to use violence to gain freedom. He wanted to change people's minds. He wanted them to understand that India needed to be free. He decided to do something about the problem.
声音2:莫罕达斯·甘地认为这项税收不公平 。他希望印度独立 。他不想再被英国政府统治 。但是甘地不想用暴力来获得自由 。他想改变人们的想法 。他想让人们明白印度需要自由 。他决定做些事情来解决这个问题 。
Voice 1: On March 2 1930, Gandhi sent a letter to Lord Irwin, the British colony leader of India. He asked Lord Irwin to stop the salt tax. Gandhi said that if Lord Irwin did not listen, Gandhi would not pay the salt tax.
声音1:1930年3月2日,甘地致信英印政府总督欧文勋爵 。他请求欧文勋爵停止征收盐税 。甘地表示,如果欧文勋爵不听,他就不会缴纳盐税 。