探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第6期:抢救切尔诺贝利(6)
日期:2021-01-12 11:23


People didn't really believe what was happening. They thought they were being lied to.

人们并不相信发生的事 他们认为自已听到的是谎言

They remembered the German occupation and said that in 1941, there were bombs that fell. But now there was nothing.

他们想起德军占领时期的事 表示1941年至少还有炸弹空袭 但是现在什么都没有

The elderly people didn't believe in an invisible enemy and there was no time to explain. My soldiers and I were simply carrying out orders.

长辈们并不相信出现无形的敌人 但是我们没时间解释 我和士兵们仅仅执行命令而已

In three and a half hours, 43,000 people are evacuated tearfully but peacefully. Buses carry Europe's first atomic refugees.

在3个半小时之内 4万3千人含泪但平和地疏散 巴士载走了欧洲第一批原子难民

They have been exposed to doses of radiation that will alter the omposition of their blood, and engender fatal cancers.

他们暴露在大量辐射下 这可能改变血液成分引发致命癌症

48 hours after the disaster, the only people left in the ghost town are military personnel and members of the scientific delegation, head quartered at the Pripyat hotel.

灾变发生后48小时 鬼城只剩下军方人员以及科学代表团成员 他们将总部设在普里皮亚季饭店

As if unaware of the danger, they eat, sleep and work right on the premises.

他们似乎对危险置若罔闻 待在屋里食宿以及工作

These were upstanding people, specialists. I couldn't believe they would do something irresponsible or suicidal.

他们都是正直的人 都是专家 我不相信他们会做出不负责任或是自杀行为


No, it meant they'd underestimated the situation. Our old criteria was no good anymore.

不会 这只是代表他们低估了风险 我们的旧标准已经不适用了

There'd been nuclear accidents before, in our country as well as in the US, but that information had been kept secret.

我国与美国都曾发生过核子意外 但是所有讯息都秘而不宣

There'd never been an accident of this scope. They even thought the reactor would be back in service by May or June.

从未发生过规模如此大的事故 他们当时甚至认为反应炉到5、6月就能恢复使用

Meanwhile, clouds filled with radioactive particles are being blown north by the wind.


Between 26 and 27 in April, they drift over one thousand kilometers above Russia, then over Belorussia and the Baltics.

在4月26到27日之间 云层在俄罗斯上方飘移一千多公里 来到了白俄罗斯与波罗的海上空

On the 28th, they hit Sweden where the rise of radioactivity is detected near one of their nuclear power plants.

到了28日云层到了瑞典 瑞典一家核电厂 侦测到了升高的放射性

Soon after, TV news alerts the population. Radioactive dust from Chernobyl rains down on Stockholm.

电视新闻很快就对民众发出警告 来自切尔诺贝利的大量放射尘在斯德哥尔摩从天而降

Authorities send a squadron of fighter planes to take readings in the clouds.

当局派出一个战斗机中队 测量云层的放射量

The level of radioactivity suggest there's been a major accident somewhere.

